Chapter 2

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Alex's P.O.V

I yawned sitting up in bed and looking around. I lifted the covers off of my body, and swung my legs onto the floor. Looking threw my small amount of clothes, I grabbed a random pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I threw on my favorite hoodie, because I live in it, and then walked out into the living room.

I looked around and realized that I was the only one awake right now. I decided to use the time to cook something for breakfast, so I looked in the pantry and saw a bag of flour which for some reason inspired me to make chocolate pancakes. So, I went into the fridge and pulled out some ingredients I would need, and pulled the rest out of the cabinets.

I quickly made the batter and turned on two burners on the stove (I decided to make some eggs too). I silently got to work, making pancakes and cheesy scrambled eggs. (A/N: If you don't like eggs, just say that he made bacon or sausage)

John's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open and I sat up in bed, pulling my hair back into a pony tail to get it out of my face. I rubbed my eyes a little bit before getting out of bed, noticing the smell of something sweet.

I followed the smell, tiredly to the kitchen to see Alex making pancakes and scrambled eggs. He was softly humming to himself and swaying to the tune. I quietly stood in the doorway, admiring him, as I woke up a little bit more. He seemed so calm, and way less nervous than he was yesterday, sitting by all of us.

He looked over at the doorway and noticed me, and he gasped and jumped a little. "G-geez John, you scared me!"

Alex's P.O.V

I looked over at the doorway and jumped, gasping softly. John was standing in the door way, with his hair pulled back, wearing a pair of ninja turtle pajama pants...did I mention the he's shirtless? Well, he is, and this boy has abbbsss.

"G-geez John, you scared me!" I exclaimed still kind of looking at his chest. I noticed that his insane amount of freckles didn't just stop at his face. They trailed down his chest and arms. "Sorry Alex," he chuckled a little walking into the kitchen, "I just didn't want to disturb you."

He had a very different voice in the mornings. It was deeper and had a kind of strong accent, if I could remember correctly, he was from South Carolina? I think that's what the country like twang in his voice is. Well, whatever it is, I made my face heat up, so I turned back to the stove.

"I-it's fine, the foods almost done anyways," I stuttered out, "I hope it's alright that I cooked something, I remember you saying yesterday that I could help myself to the food in the kitchen..." "It's fine, I can't wait to try what you made!" I blushed darker (if that was even possible) and pulled out two plates from the cabinet over the sink. I placed two pancakes and a pile of eggs on each plate (and a fork), and I handed one to John, while managing to get my blush slightly under control.

"Thank you," John smiled at me, before taking his plate and heading to the couch. I followed behind him, plate in hand, and sat down next to him. But, not too close because I don't want to seem weird. There was already a bottle of syrup on the table which I decided not to question. I grabbed the bottle and carefully poured some on my pancakes before setting the bottle back down and taking a bite. "Mmmm~" I hear John next to me, moan with a mouth full of pancakes. I look over and see him with syrup slightly on his mouth and wide eyes smiling slightly at the taste of the pancakes.

He swallowed the bite in his mouth and then looked over at me. "Oh my god, Alex! You can make hella good pancakes!" He exclaimed licking a little bit of syrup off of his mouth. "T-thank you..." I stuttered out before taking another bite of the food on my plate. I decided that two bites was enough, so that I didn't get fat, and ugly. I didn't need that much food anyways. I got up with my plate in hand and walked back into the kitchen, I dumped my food into the trash can and placed my plate in the sink, deciding to wash it later. I walked back into the living room and saw John looking at me confused.

Deeper (Lams College Soulmate Au)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن