Chapter 3

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John's P.O.V

I slowly open my eyes and look around my black, white, and gray room. Those are the only colors I ever see, black, white, and gray. One day though, I'll find somebody who will help me to see all of the colors of the world. Laff and Angie always tell me how beautiful it is. I wonder what things will look like in color. I wonder what turtles will look like in color. I wonder what the ocean, and flowers, and the sky will look like in color. I wonder what Alex will look like in color..........Wait what? Chill John, you were probably thinking that because Alex is laying right next to you...Yeah...wait....

My eyes widen as I look at the smaller boy, laying down with his arms wrapped around my waist. His breathing is even and his eyes are closed peacefully. He nuzzles a little bit into my chest and smiles for a split second. I feel my face start heating up as I look at Alexander. Why is he here? What happened last night? Why the fuck does he look so god damn cute when he's sleeping? I don't think we did anything, I mean our clothes are still on...Then, the events of last night came flooding back to me.

~flashback to last night~

The door opened and Alex came in laughing with the girls. "He got so mad!" Peggy giggled. "Let me go put the bags away in my room, thank you girls again." Alex smiled. "We've gotta go anyways, talk to you boys tomorrow!" Angie said before ushering the other three girls out the door. Angelica winked at Alex before closing the door completely. Alex looked at me and smiled a little, still slightly laughing from when he came inside. "L-like I said before, I need to put these bags down, so I'll be right back." He threw me another smile before walking down the hallway towards his room. He came out a minute later and sat down on the couch. He started paying attention the the movie I already had playing, so I decided to do the same. Not much time later there was a loud boom of thunder from outside, indicating that it had just started storming. After that, thunder and lighting, accompanied by large water droplets hitting the window was heard. Then, I heard another sound- a quiet and muffled sob. I looked next to me to see Alex covering his mouth and shaking with fear. He had his eyes squeezed tightly shut and he was trying his best to stay quiet. "Alex, oh my god!" I exclaimed, shooting up and going to kneel down in front of him. "Alex, are you okay?" I questioned, worried and confused as to what was happening. Alex opened his eyes slightly and gave another chocked sob. "Hey, it's alright Alex...I'm right here, what's wrong?" He shakily moved his hands from his mouth, still crying and stuttered out, "S-storm...scared..." That was all he was able to get out before another boom of thunder sent him flying into my arms. I cautiously placed my arms around him as he shook and cried into my shoulder. Carefully I picked him up, and started carrying him to my room, where I grabbed my phone and ear buds. "Here, try listening to this instead..." I carefully placed them into his ears and pushed play. The longer the music played, the more Alex calmed down, however his grip on me stayed the same. Soon, the rain stopped and I carefully pulled the ear buds out of his ears. I looked down at him and realized that he was asleep, and decided just letting him sleep in here with me would be easier than waking him up, or carrying him to his bed. I carefully placed him in the bed and crawled in next to him, pulling the blanket over the both of us. He immediately cuddled into me, and wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled a little bit at the boy cuddled up to me, and I slowly dozed off to sleep.

~flashback over~

Oh, good we didn't fuck. Well, I mean it's not good that we didn't fuck, that would be great...I'll just be quiet..

I look back down at Alex and sigh. 'Why is he so fucking cute? Is it even legal to look that perfect?' All of the sudden, my phone started ringing, I quickly (but as carefully as I could) grabbed my phone and answered it, walking out of the room, so that I don't wake Alex up. (Hi, author here, I'm going to right the phone call with J as John and H as Herc because it's easier and I'm lazy :) )

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2018 ⏰

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