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Chapter 3: Primavera

Hunter gazed once more around him for anything wrong in the off-kept wonderland. He found none. What the hell was she doing out here? He wondered almost shocked at his angered self.

Why did he care?

He shook his head not wanting to think about it at this moment, the women that was unconscious in his arms needed his attention more so.

He grunted.

Why is it he always was the one to help her?

He grunted once again, as he bent his knees to lift her up into his arms. She snuggled closer, making the breath that he wasn’t aware was held breathe out of his chest into the cold air. Her moving was a good sign and knowing Mackenzie, she slipped herself into the snow bank. He chuckled slowly as his feet carried him through the park every easily surprisingly, to his house. It would be closer than the nearest hospital. Hunter knew enough of the medical field to help take care of her. She didn’t seem like she needed that worse of attention.

His mind is shifted when she moved closer to his heat, at her body began to shiver against the cold, her body on the verge of waking up…yet after a couple more minutes, never did. He pulled her small figure closer. He took a noted that she didn’t weight that much these days. When was the last time she had a proper meal? His thoughts turning to the woman in his arms. It shocked him that he cared that she was eating or not.

His house came into view quickly, shocking him into what he needed to do. He didn’t know if he should be thankful or saddened at that sentiment. His feet carried him up the still not shoveled path; his feet and legs already numbed from the walk. Snow clung in chunks on his leg pants as most just melted against them.

This is why he hated the cold.

He shifted her in his arms to pull his keys out of his jacket.

Hunter stumbled a little bit, but got the key into the lock before pushing to door open wide. Laying her down on the couch, he moved over to turn on the lights yet they didn’t work.

The power was out.

This day gets better and better, he thought downtrodden. He knew that he had to get her warmed up. The house did have many fireplaces but the only one that was usable was in his bedroom. On the second floor. He ran a hand thru his black tussled hair. He wasn’t sure if she would like it if he brought her into his room when she woke up.

He had to make a quick decision then.

            He paced as his eyes laid on the girl that was shivering still on his couch. Shouldn’t I be getting a blanket for her? His mind wondering, before he shut it down and his pace came to a halt. Why was he thinking of what she wanted? He thought, this would be another way to piss her off. He smirked, before moving to Mackenzie’s form and lifting her up to quickly ascending the stairs to his room.

            The room was the master bedroom, surprisingly which took up the whole second floor mostly. The old house still had the ‘old times’ feel to it with some gothic trim around the room. It was manly with the darker wooden floor and panels of the walls keeping hidden secret compartments of mysteries they held. The lone dresser was hidden in one of the many compartments, as well with a small office that his roommates didn’t know about. The fireplace to the right of the room, still had some smoldering embers from previous night’s fire. The small of essences of light flickered from it, giving the room a more unearthly feel. The left wall held the queen sized bed, its light blue sheets a mess and the comforter his mother had made was on the floor next to it.

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