The Lies of a Lover

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"...Adrien Agreste..."

Gabriel reread the paper various times to make sure he wasn't being paranoid. Sure enough, there was his son's name. Gabriel melted down in his office, crying and throwing everything off his desk, even his laptop. He screamed and sobbed.

He cleaned up his mess shakily and walked to marinette. "Why...?" Was all he managed to shakily sob out. Adrien ran to his room, he didn't want to know the punishment.

"You... Lied."

"It was for his own good."

"You could have told me! You led me on... You broke my heart!"

"I needed money for his surgeries!"

"Adrien's the dad! I would have definitely supported my own grandson! I'm not a jerk!"

"I'd rather get it from you than use Adrien as an excuse!"

Gabriel looked down. He felt ashamed. "I knew I shouldn't have let myself be led on. Again."


"When I was in highschool, I met Emilie... I had my own money and it was plenty... I paid her way through college and acting school... The most prestigious ones..." He stopped and wiped away tears. "Then she left me. For some big shot director. Now I'm alone with what I thought then was the happiest accident of my life."

"You're calling Adrien an accident?!" She hissed.

Gabriel shook his head. "I need to be alone." He walked out the door. Marinette followed him, walking for about an hour before coming across a run down bar, where Gabriel entered.

She stood by the corner and listened to Gabriel's conversation with the bartender.

"Been a while Gabriel, what have you been up to?"


"The look in your eyes says something else."

"I was led on."

"I thought you learned your lesson with Emilie?"

"I thought it would be different."

"Who was that girl?"

"It doesn't matter anymore... I was really happy because I thought I would be getting another chance to be a dad.."

Gabriel grabbed the bottle of whiskey and sighed.

"Seems like life got you down hard again."

"Doesn't it always?" Gabriel scoffed.

"So you thought you had a kid?"

"Yea... He was born with some issues... I love him dearly but... He's my grandson, not my son.."

"He's still yours then."

"You don't understand..." He looked down and paid him some cash. "Keep the change." Gabriel pulled on his jacket and walked out.

Marinette followed him, looking at him getting distracted by young fathers playing with their children.

Gabriel reached into his pocket and pulled out his cellphone. He walked into a private area and began to talk.

"Hey André... No no I don't want to talk about getting them married... I don't want to talk about my child at all."

Gabriel picks up a rock and throws it into the lake. "Forget it André. I don't feel emotionally okay. I need a couple days off, can you send someone to watch over my stupid kid and his girlfriend?"

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