Elmer x Reader Prompts 14, 22 + 40

85 3 9

A/N Oh god! I forgot about this entire book for ages! So sorry! Please forgive me...I'm going to publish the full prompt list when I have finished all of the current requests...so yea...Damn is this gonna be a wild ride by the end! 😢

Prompts in italics

14: "Same page? We're not even in the same library!"
22: "You left me alone."
40: "I'll miss you..."

"H-he just l-l-left me in the s-street..." You managed to choke out between sobs. You hugged the pillow closer to your chest.

"He's an idiot, but he went to beat them up, I guess. He must've been trying to help, but...didn't..." Your best friend said, trying to calm you down a bit. She rubbed your back and you smiled a bit.

"Come 'ere, (Y/N)." She held her arms out for a hug and you put the pillow aside. She hugged you for as long as you needed, letting you cry into her fluffy jumper. 

You were round at your best friend's house, after your boyfriend left you in the street in the middle of a panic attack. You had just been wandering around town, when some horrible men cat called you.

You had a panic disorder and you were triggered by shouts and unexpected, unpleasant things, and that experience had been all three of those things. You had been kneeling on the pavement with tears streaming down your face, shaking and completely unable to speak when Elmer rushed off to give the men a piece of his mind.

You had tried to call out for him to stay with you, but he either didn't hear you or just ignored you, but he wasn't there when you needed him the most...and you were finding it quite hard to forgive him...

You pulled away, out of the hug and wiped your nose with some tissues that were on the small table next to your best friend's sofa. You picked out another tissue from the box and wiped your eyes. You sniffed, and a small smile crept onto your face. Your best friend gave amazing hugs and they never failed to make you feel better.

You both stayed silent for a few seconds, until the silence was broken by your phone vibrating. You twisted behind you and picked it up. You turned it on and say about 12 missed calls and 7 text messages from Elmer. They were mostly about 'just wanting to talk', but you didn't want to see him.

"You alright, (Y/N)?" Alexa, your best friend, asked. You turned back to her, phone in hand.

"Yea...it's--it's just Elmer. He keeps texting and calling me. Saying that he 'just wants to talk' " You said, putting air quotation marks around the last part of your sentence and rolling your eyes.

"Maybe you should talk to him...He's probably just worried about you!" She began, but she pushed the idea away in her mind when she saw your face. "But we can forget about that for a while. I'm always gonna be here for you (Y/N)."

"Yea...I know." You said, smiling. You both fell silent again.

"Wanna watch a movie?!" Alexa said after about a minute.

"Sure! What do you wanna watch?" You asked.

"How about 1992sies?" Of course, she purposefully picked your favourite movie. 

You laughed through small sniffs.

"Love ya, Lexa."

She put the movie in, went into her kitchen and made popcorn for you two to share.

She came back with a big bowl of sweet popcorn and sat on the sofa. You watched the movie together, singing along, laughing at the funny parts and hugging each other in the sad parts.

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