Romeo x Reader Prompts 13 + 21

99 3 2

A/N Requested by newsies_fan123 Thanks so much for asking!! ♥️

Prompts in italics

13: "How did we get into this mess?"
21: "This isn't like you!"

TW: A bit of swearing

"Sit down. Shut up. No talking." Mr. Weisel said as he led you both into the classroom where detention was being held.

You sat next to each other, at separate desks, and propped your bags up against the legs of the tables, as Mr. Weisel made his way up to the teachers' desk at the front of the room to talk to Mr. Seitz.

"How long are these two here for?" He looked up from where he was leaning on the desk with his head resting on one of his hands.

"Two weeks after school." Mr. Weisel replied. He sighed and looked back at you disapprovingly.

He started to make his way out when he stopped in between your desks.

"I'm disappointed in you two." And with that, he left.

"A' know the rules. No phones, no talking and no leaving." You put your hand up, but Mr. Seitz had anticipated what you were going to say. "If you need the toilet, hold it in, unless it's an emergency. Then you put your hand up and ask me. If you're bored, do homework or something..." He put his head in his hands again and stopped talking.

'And so the boredom begins...' You thought as you settled down.

Although after-school detention was only an hour, it felt like so much longer. You had been in after-school detention before, so this wasn't a new experience for you; but Romeo wasn't a frequent flyer in detention, so this was a newer - even more boring - experience for him.

After about 15 minutes, Mr. Setiz, the gym teacher and the teacher who took detention, fell asleep at his desk up at the front of the room. You had sat further down in your chair, folded your arms over your chest and leaned your head back to stare up at the ceiling. 

You felt like you were going to win the staring contest with the spiders on the ceiling when Romeo leaned over the aisle and tapped you on the shoulder.

You sat back up and turned to look at him.

"Looks like Seitz is asleep at last..." You rolled your eyes with a slight smile.

"Yea..." You nodded slowly and checked your watch. "Wow! Record time! It usually takes him at least 20 minutes to fall asleep."

The room stayed silent, but for the slow breathing of the sleeping man and the footsteps of the janitors in the corridor behind you.

You had returned to your original position, but when you heard Romeo sigh deeply, you sat back up and unfolded your arms.

"Y'know, I've never been in after-school detention before..." He said wistfully. "I suppose you know what this is like though..." You nodded.

He opened his mouth like he was going to say something or ask a question, but when no sound came out, he closed it again. He looked like he was thinking something through very carefully, then his face twisted into a grimace.

"Are they gonna call my parents?" He asked after a while.

"Ok, first off, who's they?" You replied.

"The school..." He replied, slightly shakily. "Will they call my parents?"

You shrugged. "Dunno, maybe...Probably not for you, me yea." You paused, then seeing Romeo's worried - and slightly sad - expression. "Hey, don't worry Ro, this is your first after-school detention, right?" He nodded slowly. "You'll be fine. But it would be a good idea if you told your parents about it first, just in case the school does decide to call home. Trust me, I learned the hard way..." You trailed off and turned back to the front.

Newsies PromptsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora