Mush x Blink Tumblr Prompt 11

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A/N This is from a prompts list on Tumblr. It's number 11:

Prompt: "Is the cat in a onesie?" "Uh, no?"

Mush was barely awake when his boyfriend, Blink, got up for work. With their cat Bella curled up asleep at the end of the bed, the fact that it was half 7 and Mush had a day off, he figured he would take full advantage.

Despite being mostly asleep, he was awake enough for it to register when Blink kissed his forehead and whispered, "Goodbye, love. Have a good day."

The sound of the front door closing let him know that he was alone in the apartment. Well, apart from Bella.

He went back to sleep for a bit longer, then when he got too hot, he kicked the covers off and lay there in his pyjama bottoms.

"Oof!" The air was knocked out of him when Bella jumped on his stomach and meowed in his face.

"Good morning to you too." He groaned.

Bella meowed again.

"You want food, don't you?"


"I'll take that as a yes." He plucked Bella off his stomach and sat up. He swung his legs off the bed and got her food. He poured some into her food bowl and went back into the bedroom as she ate.

He grabbed one of his boyfriend's hoodies from where it was in a crumpled heap at the end of the bed. He brushed some of the cat hair off and pulled it on. He couldn't be bothered to zip it up.

He leant down, grabbed his laptop and a charger cable, then talked into the living room and sat down at the table.

He grabbed the remote and turned the TV on for some background noise. It came on to a shitty reality show, the one that Blink kept pretending he didn't like.

He opened up Google Drive and started formatting the cue sheets for the latest production at the theatre he worked at. There was this new kid who tried to do it but messed up the formatting so Mush volunteered to do it on his day off. That, the props inventory and a few lighting sheets.

As he idled his way through the prop inventory, his eyes wandered over to the TV. The ad break had come on and an ad for window cleaner played.

He sighed, bored as hell and turning back to his laptop to do some more work, then the best thing happens.

The Cat Clothing Company proudly presents the new and improved Lion Onesie! Complete with mane, this onesie comes in three sizes! Order yours today at or you can find us on Amazon!

He gasped and looked down at Bella where she played with a length of orange wire. She chewed on the end as Mush said, "Oh my god! Bella! We have to get you one!! You'd look so adorable!" He put on a weird high-pitched voice and grins.

He opened a new tab and goes onto Amazon. He types 'The Cat Clothing Company Lion Onesie' into the search bar. It came up as the first item and he clicked on it.

"This is perfect!!" He said excitedly. He scrolled down and flicked through the pictures. He looked down at Bella and tried to gauge what size she would be.

"I'm gonna go with medium." He thinks, clicking on 'Medium' and then on 'One-Tap Buy'. 

Instead of sitting and waiting for the web page to load, he dashed to get his credit card. He punched in the numbers on his card and pressed save.

His cursor hovers over buy for a few seconds, just debating whether or not it was a good idea...'I've spent money on worse things before...and besides, it's a freaking cat onesie!! This is a great idea! I'm a genius I swear!'

He clicked buy and sat back in his chair, hands behind his head, sighing contentedly.

He marvels at his work for a little while until he couldn't ignore the rumbling in his stomach any longer.

"Oh shit, I haven't eaten anything yet.." He jumped up and slid over to the kitchen on an old t-shirt that was on the floor for some reason. He made himself some food, grabbed and puts it on a plate and slid back over to the table.

He put it down next to his laptop and resumed doing his work.

He finished about 2 hours later and has the rest of the day to himself. Well, himself and Bella.

He tidied up the apartment a bit, cleaned his plate and put it away. Then flopped down on the sofa and spent the rest of the day waiting for the package and surfing through Netflix, before settling down to watch as much of Stranger Things as he could. Blink kept telling his to watch it, but it never got his attention.

He had just finished Season 1, deciding that it had definitely caught his attention, and there was a knock at the door.

He answered it and it was a man holding a package. He was asked to sign for it and the man went on his way.

He felt the weight and when he realised what it was, he kissed the box!

"Oh thank god for one-day delivery!!"

Bella, sensing something was up, ran out of the room.

20 minutes later and he'd managed to catch Bella and get the onesie and mane on her. He'd caught her in the bedroom, on their bed, and as soon as he got it on her, she ran out into the living room.

Mush scooted off the bed and fixed the covers when he heard the front door open and someone shout.

"Is the cat in a onesie?" The voice shouted, it was obviously Blink.

"" He shouted back. He heard a couple of meows and came into the living room, slightly hesitantly.

He enters the living to see Blink, bag on the floor, Bella in his arms. Mush got a sudden, unexpected and highly unwanted rush of anxiety.

"Shit this was a bad idea. A very bad idea. He must think this is so freaking stupid. I've just wasted $10. Crap..."

"Oh my god! Bella's so adorable in this!! She's our little lioness!!" Blink said, breaking the silence and the mounting tension.

"Oh thank god!" Mush breathed a sigh of relief, a smile spreading across his face.


"I'm just glad you don't think it's a waste of money!" He mumbled shyly.

"Hell no! I'm just surprised I didn't think of it before!" Blink exclaimed, reassuring Mush that it was a good idea.

"I swear to god this is the best thing I've ever bought!" He proclaimed with new-found confidence.

"It most certainly is." Blink said, still stroking Bella.

"Oooo gimme a sec!" Mush had got an idea. He ran over to the table and grabbed his phone.

Blink, getting the picture, lifted Bella up. Lion King style.

"These are amazing!" Blink said, as Mush flicked through the pictures in his gallery of Blink and Bella.

"I'm so posting these!" He uploaded them to the Instagram account that they'd made for Bella and they got likes and comments within 2 minutes:

RacetrackH69: OH MY GOD! @SpotC420 WE HAVE TO BABE!

SpotC420: That is pretty adorable. Good going Mushy and Blinker

Alboooot: Y'all are too much i stg


DaveyJacobs: Why is your cat in a onesie?

A/N There ya go! This was originally requested on Tumblr but I though I would post it here too! I hope y'all enjoyed that! Have an awesome day! Please vote and comment! Love ya <3

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