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    He wandered on his own. It was a quiet morning, like that of any other. The summer sun was already in the sky and warming the earth. He grinned softly, enjoying the sounds of the birds chirping. Sunlight heated his face. The human held his fishing rod on his shoulder, a basket of food and bait in the other hand. He whistled a delightful tune while brushing his dark brown hair out of his black eyes.

    "Ah, nice day! Hope the fish will bite today, I'd like to eat well tonight," the human said to himself. Though he was alone, he was not lonely. He didn't mind the quietness, and instead filled the empty air with his own voice for company. He passed a homeless woman on the way to his usual fishing spot. Out of sympathy, he handed the woman a few gold coins and one of his loaves of bread. The woman profusely expressed her gratitude and offered something in return. The human declined the offer politely, saying it was no trouble to him. The woman reluctantly left him to his devices.

    He continued on the path, climbing over fallen trees and ducking under piles of stacks branches hanging off ledges overhead. The day had warmed further, the human slowing to a leisurely pace.

    The heat left his body when a dark, cold presence enveloped itself around him. He didn't know how to describe it. The darkness around him transported him to a place unfamiliar to him. The crunching dark particles under his footsteps covered the ground and the dull mist around him hid most of his surroundings. He felt a twinge of pain touch his right shoulder, a burning and itching sensation trailing from his face to his toes. A silhouette manifested before him, shocking the boy out of his confusion. Before he could ask what was going on, the creature said in a low, raspy voice, "The body you possess is no longer your own. You will no longer exist, no longer be remembered or loved."

    "What do you mean?"

    "I say exactly what I mean. Your body is no longer yours, it is mine now."

    "N-no it's not... who the hell are you? I'm just a fisherman!" the human cried out.

    "You are not a fisherman anymore." The human dropped to the ground.

    His body convulsed and twisted. He desperately wanted to scream for help but the agony stole all the words from his throat and the air from his lungs. His legs and arms felt like they were being pulled like taffy and the top of his head throbbed painfully. Clawing at the ground, he tried to pull himself towards a nearby town, but he stopped when his right hand began forming a reptilian-like skin, the normal human skin twisting with unearthly pain.

    The teeth on the right side of his mouth began growing at an alarming rate, biting into the newly forming dark scales for skin. He sat himself up and held his abdomen, a bitter taste rising in his throat. The blood from his body splattered on the ground before him, his deformed mouth now dripping with the substance.

    His shirt ripped as his entire body grew, the shoes once on his feet bursting at the seams. He coughed and sputtered, his face in pain from the urgency to scream.

    Finally, he could speak a little. "H-help!" he croaked, pulling himself along the ground with his still human arm. On the right side of his head, a singular horn formed, arching over his head and the blood from his skull poured down the side of his face. He couldn't hear or see anything on his right.

    The homeless woman from before had heard the human's desperate pleas for help, but upon seeing the human in his state, the woman screamed in terror and fled immediately.

    A cry that sounded nothing remotely human came up from his throat and all the birds, rabbits, and other small creatures scattered from the area in a panic. His right eye twitched and pulsated until it completely blew out of its socket with the remaining tissue dispersed before him. He shrieked in the stabbing of agony and begged for it all to end.

    Now flat on his back, arms and legs still trembling and spasming, he slowly felt himself leaving his body, the feeling of complete peace and surrender enveloping him. His appendages still twitched every so often, but his lifeforce was ripped from his body. A newer, darker aura filled the empty shell and gave life to the corpse.

    He then sat up, the clothes on his body torn and tattered. Slowly, he rose from the ground, tripping over his feet as if he were just learning to walk. He glanced down at his hands, turning them as he examined the changes done to him. He walked along the dusty path, leaving behind the human's belongings. As he turned a corner from behind a boulder, a group of people with the intent of finding the human laid their eyes on him and screamed. They all cried "Monster! Demon!" as they scattered like frightened mice. The being possessing the human's body smirked.

    The heart within the body's chest no longer beat, the lungs no longer expanding and contracting. There was no more pain, no more need for food or drink. There was no more human within the creature. There was no more humanity... or was there?


The first part of this story~! I hope you guys are excited about this~!

The Witching Hour - Demonic Haunted AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ