Chapter 3 - At the Strike of Twelve

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     Grayson grabbed the priest by the collar with his quick reflexes, staring the old man in the eyes. The priest showed no fear but rather glared as the sclera in Grayson's eyes darkened back to their normal murky black. "What year is it?"

    "1225, why would you want to know, devil?" The priest responded with poison in his tone. Grayson threw him to the ground, letting the old man's back crack and skull hit the floor as he crossed his arms and pondered. The last he remembered of the human world, the year was around 1492. Had they gone backwards? Grayson was no demon deeply knowledged in mathematics, but he certainly knew nothing added up correctly.

    "Are you trying to trick me?" Grayson snapped the moment the old priest lifted his head.

    "I would have no reason to lie, vile being," the priest said. "You never even answered my own ques--"

    "Do you really think I owe you an explanation? I'm above you. Look at your pathetic self. I could snap your neck right now and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it." Grayson turned on his heels, facing the vulnerable priest. When he got no answer, he resolved to leave the chapel. He was halfway through the aisle, the priest had risen and begun chanting his holy words, holding up his necklace.

    But the next thing he knew, his hand holding the necklace charm was gone. The stub where his hand used to be began spurting blood, pain waving through the old priest's arm. Grayson charged forward, slicing the priest's chest with his talon-like fingers, an unsettling grin stretching over his face as the priest's expression turned terrified. In one swift motion, Grayson grabbed the old man by the neck and ripped his head from his shoulders.

    The door where the old man had originally appeared from was busted open and out came other priests who had heard the commotion. Certainly, if Grayson did not have ears on the side of his head, his ludicrous grin would have stretched completely around his head.

    Oh, what fun would this be.


    While Grayson was having his sadistic fun, Armen prowled around the other side of the city in domesticated cat form. He was hoping there would at least be a few people lurking about in the middle of the night, and his luck was granted when he spotted a scrawny young man trying to lift ten books in one stack. He instead separated the books into two stacks and moved them into what Armen guessed was his home.

    Armen made a quiet but soft mewing noise, and the man who had gotten a hold of the second stack looked down. A sparkle invaded the eyes of the scrawny man and he said, "Oh, what good luck! Such a pretty little black cat! And that beautiful blue eye! Come in, little one, make yourself at home." The man knocked his front door open with his foot and Armen strolled inside.

    The man set down his books and closed the front door. He knelt down in front of Armen, his hand hovering at feline eye level. Though Armen was a demon, he loved the affection he would receive as a cat. He didn't even have to do anything; all he had to do was purr and meow, and everyone loved him! Armen rubbed his head on the human's hand, flopping to the floor.

    "You're such a sweet cat. Hmm... I'd like to keep you. What shall I name you?" the man looked over Armen, then his face brightened with an idea. "I know! How about... Sigeric? I think it could fit you well."

    I guess he could have named me worse. Armen thought to himself. He meowed and rubbed his head against the man's knee.

    "Oh, you like that name? Good! ....because I couldn't come up with anything else, haha! Anyway, I'm Jason!" he said.

    Armen couldn't care less about the human or his name. All he wanted was information and perhaps that delicious cream he used to be fed by unsuspecting humans way back in the day. The human to closed his front door, disappearing into his basement for a few seconds, returning with a very small bottle of milk. "It's not much, but I think you'll like it. You must be starving, aye."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2019 ⏰

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