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The pour effect.
The action of pouring into another bucket before yours.
Some call it foolish, others say it's generous.
But, now there's too many buckets to fill.

The art of cheering up, cheering someone up
It's as if people don't notice the beauty in unity. As one.
Society has found it's way to separate for centuries.
We need more love.

Listening to pain.
The hopeless feeling of listening to a person break into endless tears from the outside.
The hurt.
Knowing there's nothing you can do.

Not understanding. Questioning life, with or without words.
Not truly knowing anything. Wondering for your future, depending on what really matters.

What matters?
You stand at the very back of the line, behind the chatter.
You don't climb ladders, but you wait.
Quietly lurking for bait, but your in the wrong state. Swipe the germs and walk away.

You can't say, or speak. Words break bones and throw away hearts.

You hide the marks. Pretend. Act. Create an illusion. The everlasting tension.

What about the other things you didn't mention?

Soft things are loud as loud things are soft.  Ignorance is not the key to greatness. No more hurt.

Peace. The quiet, lonely doubt in a word that doesn't have much of a meaning in today's world.

Earth floats. Planets aline and people realize. What can you do?

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