chapter 4

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Hes my what!?

Kodys POV

I'm blushing a crimson red as my dad aprotched us. I continue to stare at the ground, but I then look up too meet my fathers eyes. He smiles down lovingly at me as he begins to speak.

"Hi there! My name is Aiden! And you are? " My dad questioned Lumine as he puts his hand out to shake Lumines hand.

"... I-im L-Lumine.. " Lumine replies Nervisly as he shakes the older mans hand.

"Well that's a lovely name! Well Lumine I have a job Apertunaty for you,  if you would like to here me out? " Aiden tilts his head slightly to the left as he asked Lumine.

Lumine nods quickly.

"I-i would love too sir! " He smiles like a happy puppy that got a squeaky toy.

"Well would you like to protect my " Pore Definslis" Son? "He asked.

Lumine smiled brightly as he nods which may I say it was f*cking adorable!!!

"I will love too sir!!" Lumine agrees happily.

Aiden pats lumine on the head and jesters for use to get in the car. We hop into the car and my father drives us back to my house. We finally get home after a awkward drive here. I walk to my front door as Lumine hides behind me. I open the door and there I saw-

To be continued

Hi everyone long time so talk! I hope you guys like this story a nd sorry If its a slow update but I hope you for give me anyways I will see you guys later bye!!

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