Starting Over

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Hi, my name's Rylie, but call me Ry. That's what my roommate Gallixy calls me. Sometimes I call her Gall. Anyway. I'm Ry, Im a 20 year old that lives in a small apartment in Cincinnati Ohio, and well I'm starting over.

Meaning I'm starting my miserable life over with a new one. Why? Well I'm trying to get over my addition of alcohol it's like a drug for me. No I do not do drugs... Maybe I have done weed but I stopped. But then alcohol came in my life and ruined it... I drowned my problems in a poisoning substance and it ruined me. My mom was to stuck up to raise me so I ended up in foster care and I have never met her. Buy my father ended up adopting me and so on. He did have a problem of drinking but he's sober now.... But..... I seemed to follow him in his footsteps.... When I was 19 I had my shit together. I had a boyfriend of 3 years sense I was 16 and I had a good life... Until when my boyfriend cheated on me... I went into depression... He was my best friend and my ride or die and now it's gone... So I left him for alcohol...

Yeah I'm a bit better but I still kind of drink... Gallixy wants me to find a job with her and I don't want to.. I literally want to just die... She tells me to get over him and all but I can't... My father kicked me out when I was abusing alcohol so me and Gall decided to get an apartment here. My father lives in California. Well that's all I'm going to say.


"Lexi get your ass up we need to go! We are going to be late for an interview!!!" I let out a groan as Gall yells at me. "Five more minutes.." I mumble. I felt the blankets getting pulled of me. "God Ry... Did you drink last night? You reak of alcohol." I groan and sit up nodding. "RYLIE ELAINA GARCIA!!" I look at her irritated. "Ry you can't just drown yourself in vodka you will end up killing your self!!!" I roll my eyes getting out of bed and grabbing cloths. "And take a damn shower! I don't want you smelling like you just fucked a random person when your trying to get a job. And not a prostitute job!!?" I chuckle "I didn't get laid Gall... Surprisingly." I jump in the shower washing my hair and my body. Once I get out I put on my skinny jeans and a bottom up shirt and brushing my teeth.

"Your wearing that?" Gall asks as I walk in the kitchen. "Yup and I don't give a shit Gall. I'm not working at a record company in skimpy ass skirts and shirts that make my boobs say hi to everyone." She shakes her head. "If you get the job." I nod. "Okay let's go." I groan... I wanted the last sip of my left over vodka... Damn...

"I thought you were trying to get sober Ry?" I jump in the passenger seat of Galls truck. "Yeah... Trying.." Gall start the car and now we're off to and interview. "Rylie... You need to stop bying alcohol and stop going to clubs... It's going to ruin your life like it did... You need to get your shit straight." , " I know... I just... I don't know." We pull up to this huge ass building that has a huge sign on the front that says 'Whyatt's Records' it was big... Like big tall building... Ugh. I get out the car walking in as Gall runs in her heels. "Wait up asshole." I will my eyes.

"Should of wore Converse like I did." Gall walks up to a lady at a desk.. this building had alot one marble... Like marble everywhere. I walk up with Gall and I could of puked when I seen the lady. She wore a skirt that showed her ass cheeks and a shirt that for sure makes her boobs say hello to everyone. "Um a interview for Plumb and Garcia." The lady writes something down and types something on her computer. "Uh Mr. Whyatt will see you first and then you. Just wait over there."

"Heh slut." I mutter walking over to one of the leather chairs. The lady had a shocked face but I didn't care. "Rylie quite.. I want you to behave while I'm in there okay!" I nod her off. It was funny that she treated me like a child.

-1 hour later-
Gall was in there for awhile and I was starting to think of leaving. What seems like forever she finally walks out with a flushes face and all. I stand up giving her a weird look. "What's got your panties wet?"

"Um your turn... And let's just say  our boss is what got my panties wet." I scrunched my face. He's probably a over weight old man. A blonde lady leads me to a elevator , she was to a boob speaker.. meaning they say hi also. The elevator ride was quiet and quick. She leads me to a door and leaves. I look around and all the girls seem to like to show there body. The men... Well the men were probably the most appropriate dressed here. I turn to the door. It had a small gold plack the read "Whyatt's Office" on the front. I raise a Shakey hand to knock... Just knock Ry, knock. I knocked once and waited. This makes me nervous... I need a drink. The door swings open with a a man in a gray suite and plad pance stand before me. He suprisingly isn't over weight or old... He looked about late 20's

 He looked about late 20's

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Jamie Dornan as Mr. Whyatt  above ⬆️⬆️⬆️

He was quite attractive. His jawline was ready to cut. He was hot I guess.... But hey! my panties ant wet!...yet... Haha jk. His office was more of a dark vibe... His walls were a deep gray and some black. His desk was a deep marble... This guy likes marble. And his chairs wore wood. His office was huge. Pictures and paintings surrounded us. And a big window with a nice view was behind his desk. "Take a seat." His voice was very deep but soft. I sit on one of the chairs as he leans against the front of his desk and clears his throat. "Okay let's start.. what's your name... Full. Name." He scares me... Completely scares me.... He's so tall and he looks you in the soul. I gulp, liking my dry lips. "Uh Rylie Elaina Garcia." He nods . "I'm Ash Whyatt, but you will address me as Mr. Whyatt or sir." His voice gave me goosebumps. I'm never this nervous. I need to be me.. I'm not weak. I nod. "Okay we'll move on... I'm going to ask you questions and I expect and honest answer." I gulp. "Yes sir..." A smirk played on his lips then disappeared. "Okay, how did you find out about us?" I look down but look him in the eye, straightening my proster. Nobody makes me feel this way... Nobody. "My friend, Gallixy. She helped me find this sense I have an interest in music." He nods.  "Okay... Reasonable... Why do you like music?" Is this dude for real...

"Because I do... There's no explanation really, I don't know why you asked." I put a little attitude in it. "Are you always in a bad mood Mrs. Garcia?" This bitch has the nerve. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

I look at him. Shits about to go down. "Just so you know Whyatt, I don't take shit from people and am I in a bad mood?" I get up and get in his face close enough that we might touch noses. He doesn't move and inch. "If your going to be and asshole the whole time? Then yeah... But I'll be a bitch instead... I'll have your ass on the ground in two seconds." He chuckles as I sit back down.

"More like I'll have your ass on the ground... You do have a nice ass." I raise an eyebrow... Wtf.... "Let's talk more. Why should I hire you?"

"I need a job.... And my life together, oh and don't ever say that to me." He sits behind his desk sitting in his chair, putting his hands on his chin. "You need your life together? Why?" I glare at him. "That's personal Mr. Whyatt." He nods. "Sorry, my apologies, do you have ANY experience in music?" I sigh getting more uncomfortable. "in uh... High school I did band and choir... But it ended quickly..." I trail off... My ex was the reason I quit music. "How so?"


"I want to know you more Mrs. Garcia... Meet me for coffee for a day?" I glare. "No... Your my boss, and I don't have coffee with assholes."

He nods getting up and leaning on my chair, getting close to my face. "Your hired. I want you here everyday starting tomorrow at 7:00 am in the morning, oh and wear something nice... You have so much more to show than that." He says winking. " And Mrs. Garcia... I don't take no for an answer " I walk out with a weight lifted off my shoulders.

I need a drink.

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