First Day

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Pic of Rylie above ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️
Rylie's POV

Today is the day... My first day of the job... I groan as the sunlight seeps through the windows. I have a huge hangover... Gallixy is going to be mad. I'm supposed to be sober and try. But after yesterday, I needed it.

"Wear something nice... You have way more to show than that."

His words invaded my head.... Perve.... I really didn't want this job.... I just hope I don't get raped by the end of the day.

I get up realizing I'm only in a big T-shirt and underwear. I don't remember changing. "The fuck?" I pull the covers off and "HOLY SHIT!!!" I scream as loud as I can, as he screams back and falls off the bed. "GAAAALLLLLLL!!!!!" Gallixy comes bursting through the door. "Ry what the-" she stops in her tracks. "Mmm what the fuck." The guy groans. He sits up looking back and forth at me and Gallixy. "What are you doing in my bed and who are you?!!??" I say standing up. The smirks and stands to. He's only in boxers. "You don't remember? Wow you were really drunk huh?"

"This one's yours Ry." Gall leaves with a sigh. "No I don't remember!" I was getting frustrated. "Well last night we met at the bar and you were pretty fucked up..after we met and all and 'got to know each other' we came here and fucked." He explains shrugging. I nod. "Well I'm not looking for a relationship right now and I'm sorry if that's what you want, but I'm going to change and get ready for work and I'll need you out of here by the time I get done.... Sorry if that came out rude." He puts his hands up shaking his head. "Totally fine, I actually have work myself and it's okay... I hope we can be friends though" I nod. He starts to grab his stuff slipping his pants on and staring at me. "Uh... I kind of need my shirt."

"Oh yeah!" I quickly take the shirt off throwing it at him. "You have my number, don't be scared to call." He winks leaving by the second. I just slowly turn to the bathroom to get ready. "That was interesting..." I take a shower, blow dry my hair. I walk in my room wrapping a town on and going to my closet. I was debating if I should listen to the boss or not...hmmm.. Not. I grab a pair of black shorts, net leggings, net tank top and a black crop top. This bitch can't say shit. I put on my legging and tank top sledding my shorts and top on. I grab my boots/shoes putting them on. I straighten my black hair, applying my make up. "All done."

"RY HURRY YOUR ASS UP, YOUR GOING TO BE LATE!!!" I look at the clock. Shit.. I have ten minutes to get to work. I run down stairs only to be stopped by Gall looking at me weirdly. "You can't wear that Ry, your and assistant at a very high ranked record label." I shrug grabbing a ice breaker from her hand. "So, that's you following rules not me." She rolls her eyes. She was wearing a button up silk shirt and a pencil skirt with heels. "Whatever, you lose this job it's your fault..." I don't care, I never wanted the job anyways. Me and Gall hop in the truck making our way to work. "Ry, I really want you to try and be sober. Remember, new life, new life, new life." I look out the window. "I know... I just struggle and all.." she grabs my hand giving it a small squeeze. "I just worry babe, just please try and keep this job... And maybe not bring random guys in the house." I laugh shaking my head. "Will do chick."  Gallixy pulls into a parking spot cursing under her breath. "What?"

She look over at me. "We're late on the first day, come one let's at leqst show up two minutes late." Me and Gall run inside. She stops me grabbing me on the shoulders. "Remember try, try, try and try not mouth off, okay?" I nod. "Okay, I'll be on the third floor, just three below you. If you need anything just come down to me, okay gotta go bye love you." She hugs me running to the elevator waving. I walk to the other one walking in as it opens. A girl walks in joining me.  I wanted to gag. She was blonde wearing a skirt that showed her ass pretty well and a shirt that made her boobs fall half way out. And her make-up was pounded like cake. She looked at me with a disgraced look. "You know, you can't be wearing that. It not formal enough for this job hunny." I roll my eyes turning to her. "Well at least my ass and boobs aren't falling out of my clothes." She turns to me crossing her arms.

"And who do you think your are?" She snarls. I walk up to her leaning in to her face with a smirk. "I'm the new assistant for Mr. Whyatt of this hell hole and I'm also the girl that's about to have your slutty ass on the floor in two seconds if you don't leave me alone." I step back as the elevator door opens. I walk out waving at her smiling. "Bye sweetie." Her mouth was wide open and her eyes were wide. I walk towards Mr. Whyatt's office door smiling. "slut." I mutter. "Ahem..." I turn. I was about to knock but he was standing right there... He was looking me up and down with one eyebrow raised. "Open the door it's open, and please take a seat." His voice seemed more deep and raspy.. it's was kind of hot.... No! Bad Rylie. I slowly open the door walking in and sitting in the leather chair. Mr. Whyatt takes a seat at his desk in front of me, resting his chin against his hand as he sets his elbow on the arm of the chair. "Your late Ms. Garcia."

I watch him as he licks his lips... Damn.. no...stap it. "And you didn't apply to my request and wear something nice. This is a record label and your my assistant. I like them nice. But instead you show up like your going to a party, or a concert." He continues. I roll my eyes. "First, I was late because I had a, uh problem in the morning." I say dodging a conversation about this morning. "And sorry but I'm not really comfortable looking like I'm going to a strip club to dance." I smirk galring at him.

"My assistants don't look like strippers Ms. Garcia and I prefer you to not talk about that way. Your attitude sucks and it will stop." Stands up walking in front of the desk and half way sitting on it, Leaning in and resting his hands on the arms of my chair. "And if you don't get your act up, I'll do it for you." I get closer to his face. "Sorry, but I refuse to let my private parts to fall out of my clothing." He shakes his head. "Okay, keep disobeying, I can just punish you. Your ass looks great in these shorts anyways." What the fuck.... I slowly stand up walking towards the door. "Keep pissing me off Ms. Garcia and see what happens." I close the door behind me. Ass hole, pervert, asshole, pervert." That all I have to say about him.

-2 hours later-

My feet are killing me and my boobs hurt... Don't ask why they just do. Womanly problems okay. I have to go print off some paperwork for Whyatt. He has been on my ass 24/7. 'your to slow', 'you need to keep your mouth shut before I do it for you', 'you that', 'you this,' blah blah blah. He's getting on my last nerve. I'm on the verge of shoving a toaster up his ass. I walk up to the printing room only to find that bitch in the elevator. Ugh kill me. I set the papers in the printer ignoring her. "I think I deserve a apology." I still ignore her, waiting for the papers to print. "I was talking to you bitch." Okay I've had it today.  I turn around swiftly giving her a  smile. "Look here slut. I don't think your deserve shit! If you shit the fuck up I'll shove these papers up your dirty asshole, now while I print these, why won't you go seduce someone or something." She gasps. "Excuses me-", "EXCUSE ME SLUT!!!" I mock her. I turn around rolling my eyes.. I swear I'm about to shove her face on this printer and slam her head in this. "Boss will not be pleased." I turn to her.

"Boss, can suck my imaginary cock for all I care. I'm pretty sure that asshole would enjoy that."

"Oh really?" A deep, masculine voice says behind me.




Sorry for the short chapter. The next one will be at least longer. Hope you enjoy. Feel free to comment and vote!
Bye loves🖤🖤🖤

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