Prisoner - Ereri

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I've been under the watch of Captain Levi for a couple weeks. It was agreed that I'd be the Survey Corps problem from then on. Surely, I'll be tested on like some kind of animal. But that is the least of my concerns.

I was kept in the basement of this decrepit house, away from everyone else. I couldn't leave out unless instructed, spending all day in this musty, moldy, and dimly lit room was driving me mad. Pulling my knees to my chest, I heard foot steps coming down the stairs. Around the corner appeared my abnormally short caregiver, Captain Levi Rivialle. I jumped up and saluted out of habit.

"At ease." He said, unamused.

My arms fell to my side and he took a seat in the chair on the far side of the cold brick room. He crossed his legs, looking around.

"It's so dusty and filthy down here. Just disgusting." He scoffed.

I bowed in apology.

"Forgive me, but when will I be able to leave out the room and roam freely, sir?" I inquired.

"When you can be trusted. Once we have more information on this 'power' of yours, you will. Until then, this is where you'll reside." He explained plainly.

I hated being down here. It's lonely and depressing and being stuck here all day just made it worse. I have never been alone, Mikasa and Armin have always been by my side. Now it's just me. And I hated every bit of it. I swallowed my tears and kept my composure.

"Why do you ask? Impatient are we?" He retorted.

"No sir. Just lonely." I admitted.

He looked at me puzzled and I looked away a bit embarrassed.

Why did I that say that? Dammit..

Levi rose from his seat and walked in my direction. He was so short, like a female. He just isn't cute at all, rough around the edges and sassy. Hard to picture him as my superior or even commanding officer.

"Are you lonely now, Jeager?" He questioned.

"Eh.. Ah, no sir.." I responded sheepishly.

There was a silence between us, Captain stood about a foot away from me. Though I thought he'd be one to have a complex about personal space. We awkwardly gazed at one another, it's getting a bit uncomfortable. But I'm too scared to move an inch though.

"I'm glad. But I do apologise for keeping you down here. It's for yours and everyone else's safety." He explained.

I nodded, but that didn't cure the loneliness. It's for the better I know, but I'm a human being, partly, and need to be around people as well. I sighed heavily. Levi scowled and closed the space seperating us.

"What a brat." He said, smooshing his lips against mine.


My eyes grew 10 times as large. But I didn't protest. I let the older man kiss me, but he soon pulled away, looking annoyed.

"Oi, brat. I'm trying to put you at ease. At least loosen up, yeah?" He scowled again.

I nodded and we kissed once more. I loosened up and let the shorter man take control. He wrapped his arms around my neck, deepening the kiss. I cupped his face, sighing passionately. Then licked his lips and hoped for entrance to explore. My wish was granted and I greedily forced my tongue in, frantically searching his mouth. Levi gently touched my chest and shoved me away. I fell back confused onto my makeshift bed. I could feel the heat radiating from my cheeks as he stared down at me condescendingly.

"" I muttered.

"Tch, brat." He scoffed, retreating up the stairs again.

I was left alone again, but happier than before Captain's visit. My heart felt warm and filled to the brim with happiness.

How wonderful..

From then on, Captain would come daily. In my mind, I considered us lovers, but Levi says its just for my sake. We'd kiss, cuddle, and eventually had, y'know, sex. And god was it amazing. At least, if I do die young I won't die a virgin. Though according to him it was with no strings attached, but I had never seen Levi so passionate as he laid under me with his face flushed, misty eyed, and drool spilling from the corner of his lips. What a sight it was. Thinking about it now made the other 'me' excited. Right on cue, Levi came down for his visit.

"Ah! Levi, I--" He cut me off with a slap.

"Have you got no manners? I'm still your superior brat." He said dryly.

"Sorry.. Sir.. But, I need help.." I admitted shyly, rubbing my stinging cheek.

He pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled sharply.

"You are such a handful." He scoffed.

I smiled playfully and he smirked, climbing into my lap. His little bottom fit perfectly in it, his eyes were still dull, but him himself is still full of lust and passion. As usual, our daily activities ensued, I was trapped in a heated flurry of meaningless passion with my commanding officer.

"Le-- I mean Captain.. Do you consider me as a lover now? Or is this just your 'act of generosity'?" I breathed.

He rose from my neck and looked my sqaure in the eyes.

"Hm. I mean, we've fucked numerous times and I've many innappropriate things with and to you. I think it's safe to say that, we no longer share a captain-subordinate relationship." He stated.

"As blunt as ever." I laughed and resumed pleasuring him.

Never again was I lonely in this dingy basement. I had Levi, who took the time to see his burden and new-found lover. I was quite grateful. It's far better than Hanji's occasional visits to prod about my titan shifting abilities and perform weird tests. Titans really get that woman going.

I pushed those thoughts out if my mind and focused my attention on the man straddling me, seemingly to be having trouble with my trousers. I chuckled softly and assisted him, he took hold of the reigns and pleasured me to oblivion. Our moans and heavy breathing echoed in the empty space with the sucking sound of us swapping saliva. His fingers were tangled in my brown locks and my hands were glued to his small, thin waist. We're both totally engrossed in one another, grinding, suckling, and groping at each other. Stripping off clothes and throwing them aside at a constant rate.

"Oi, Eren! I have some more things to ask! I'm coming down! Hope your decent!" Hanji's sang, skipping down the stairs.

We desperately tried to make the situation look better than it appeared, but that failed horribly. Hanji caught us both shirtless with my pants unbuttoned and member exposed. Levi straddling me, both of us wearing lewd expressions. Her face was cherry red, her hand was covering her mouth to hold in her fit of laughter.

"Sorry for interrupting, Heichou.." She cooed, giggling as she scampered back up the stairs.

Levi hopped off me and put his clothes back on. I followed his example, leaving my shirt off and looked at him anxiously. He said nothing and just went back upstairs. I sighed in disappointment and ruffled my hair.

Well.. I thought it was time for us to take a break anyway..

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