Maple Syrup - UsCan

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Happy late Canada day!

"Broooo!" Alfred called.

Matthew unraveled himself from his blanket and trudged into the kitchen with Kumajiro in hand.

"What is it Al?" He asked sleepily, rubbing his eye.

"Happy birthday!" Alfred exclaimed, pushing a plate of pancakes to him.

Matthew was a bit confused, not sure what Alfred meant. He mulled it over finally realizing, it was his birthday. Even he himself forgets about it, since no one bothered to celebrate it. He's just Canada after all. Alfred had decorated the stack of flapjacks with raspberries in the shape of a maple leaf and the Canadian flag stuck in the side. And of course they're drenched in syrup.

"Thank you so much brother.." He said, taking a bite and smiled.

"No problem, but I better get a kick ass gift for my birthday!" Al teased.

"That's right, your birthday is Friday. I'll be sure to make it up to you brother." Matthew whispered.

Matthew was digging into his breakfast as he thought. This was the first time in awhile that anyone remembered anything about him. Half the time, no one even knew he was there. He just wanted to be noticed. Especially, by America, his big brother. Something as simple as spending his birthday with Al made Matthew so happy. So happy he could die. He stole a glance at Al who was dreamily looking at him. Matthew blushed.

"What?" Matthew inquired timidly.

"I have the cutest, most adorable brother ever." He smiled.

"Who are you?" Kumajiro asked as usual.

"I'm Canada.." Matthew replied, exasperated.

Even Kumajiro couldn't remember him, just once. Not even on his birthday, but that's alright. Alfred remembered and that meant the world and more! Canada finished off the pancakes and sighed happily. Then smiled at his big brother. Alfred smiled back.

"You have something on your face , Matthew." Al pointed out.

He blushed in embarassment and covered his cheeks. Al smiled warmly once more and licked off the speck of maple syrup at the corner of his mouth. Then stole a peck on the lips from him. Canada blushed wildly and smacked his brother's arm. It didn't hurt of course. Canada is the weaker brother, not like no one knew that. Matthew pouted and crossed his arms.

"You promised you'd ask.." He mumbled.

"Well may I have another kiss, birthday boy?" Al questioned sweetly.

Matthew nodded reluctantly and Alfred received a peck on the lips from his adorable brother. They smiled at one another. Alfred had woken him up quite early and he was pretty tired from cooking all that time. He handed Canada Kumajiro, Matthew stared at his brother confused.

"Well, aren't you tired? It's still early so let's go back to bed and when we wake up, we'll spend the day together." Alfred explained.

Matthew agreed and hugged him.

"I love you big brother." He whispered.

"Same to you kid." Al replied simply.

The two returned to bed, with Canada nestled in the crook of Alfred's elbow and already fast asleep, he planted a kiss on the top of his head. And smiled down at his cute little brother.

"Happy birthday."

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