Birthday Cake -MakoHaru

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Grabbing the blue neatly wrapped present, I headed to my beloved's house. Today's his birthday. He never celebrates it, I always force the idea of a party upon him. He just reluctantly accepts every year, but this year we'll celebrate with just the two of us. To put him more at ease.

I knocked lightly on his door, getting no response. I sighed, he's mostly soaking in the bath. Going around the back, I let myself in.

"Pardon the intrusion, Haru-kun." I whispered, sliding off my shoes.

Haruka wasn't anywhere until I found him in his room fast asleep. I gently shook him awake.

"You can't sleep away your birthday." I chuckled softly.

He turned over to face me, his sparkly blue eyes were blurred with tears. Haru looked like a baby, barely waking up from an afternoon nap. It makes my heart just melt.

"Mako-chan.." He whispered, climbing into my lap.

I smiled and petted his hair like a cat. He sat up and looked around the room in a daze. When he was fully alert, he noticed the present and looked at me innocently.

"What's in there?" He asked.

"Open it, its for you anyway." I said, offering him the box.

He took it and gave a small smile. Its rare to see that. It's Haruka after all, he always wears that cold, cool expression. But a smile was nice to see every now and again.

"New swimming trunks.. Thank you Mako-chan.." He said, still grinning.

"Thought you could use another pair." I said jokingly.

He didn't respond, but simply put the trunks carefully folded back into the box. Haruka looked at the box for awhile, like he was thinking about something.

"Cake." He stated.



Cake.. Cake.. That's right, I forgot a cake!!

I facepalmed and apologized a billion times. How can I forget the most important part? I felt so guilty no matter how much he said it was alright. He took me by the chin and made me face him, our faces were only inches apart.

"Don't worry. You'll be my cake. And that's far more delicious." He smirked, licking his pink lips.

Haru went to fetch cherries and whipped cream. As he came back, he wore a devilish look on his perfect face. And it kind of suited him to be perfectly honest.

"Now say 'Ah'," he instructed.

I did as I was told as he placed a red juicy cherry on my tongue and cream on the tip. Then putting more on my nose, placing a cherry on top of the white mountain.

"Um.. Haru--"

"Shh, cakes don't talk. Since you forgot, this'll have to do." He retorted.

He dressed my cheeks with whipped cream and immediately licked it off. Then eating the cherry and cream from my nose, leaving the cherry obstructing my mouth for last. Just before he devoured the remaining piece of his cake, he sprayed a bit more cream into his own mouth. Then kissed me roughly, violating my mouth with his tongue getting cream on our faces. When we seperated, a white string of saliva connected us.

It was obvious from Haru's lewd expression that this wasn't going to be the end. But this is just getting started. I pecked his lips and smiled.

"Happy Birthday Haru-kun."

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