Fireworks - UsCan

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Happy 4th of July! (Continuation of Maple Syrup)

The brothers woke up mid-morning on Friday. Alfred cuddled Matthew like an oversized bear, it's July 4th. Meaning it's Big Brother America's birthday. Matthew had no idea what to do for him, but he had to repay him for the nice day he planned for his birthday. He promised! The boys performed their usual day-to-day routine and didn't speak much about Alfred's birthday.

He probably thinks I forgot..

Matthew felt guilty about knowing what to do for him, but he had to come up with something quick before he suspected something. He came up with a quick solution and hopped over to his brother on the living room.

"Al! Can you go out for a couple hours?" He asked sweetly.

"But.. We were supposed to spend my birthday.." Alfred responded disheartened.

"I know, I know! And we will just do this one thing for your little brother?" He pleaded.

Al sighed and picked himself off the couch, going to put on his bomber jacket hanging on the coat rack.

"I'll be back later then.. See 'ya Matt.." He said timidly, walking out.

Matthew sighed with relief and scurried into the kitchen.

"Kumajiro! Come help me bake!" He called.

The white bear shuffled in and looked at Canada confused.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"No time for that Kumajiro, we have to bake big brother his birthday cake!" Matthew said pushing his glasses up on his nose.

Tying on his maple leaf apron, he heated up the oven. Matthew grabbed food coloring, icing, typical cake ingredients, and the little tubey thing to decorate the cake with. Canada loved baking for his brother, well, he loves baking in general, but he loved it more when it was meant for Al. It made his heart flutter. Matthew stirred and blended, then blended and mixed. Only using egg whites to ensure a pure white color, mixing with a whisk and not an electric mixer. Hoping to bake the fluffiest, sweetest, moistest cake ever!

Kumajiro helped as Canada needed him and was a good little helper. Not to mention cute. Finally, he popped the batter in the oven and let it bake. He then started organizing the icing and things.

"I think we have some star sprinkles, right Kumajiro?" Matt asked the bear.

"I think.. I'll check!" He said shuffling to the pantry, returning with a little plastic shaker filled with small white stars.

"Thank you Kumajiro." Matthew smiled.

The bear nodded and hung back, waiting for Canada's next request. He ran his fingers through his wavy gold locks and sighed. Not sure what to do at this point. Once again, an idea popped into his Canadian brain.

"Kumajiro, watch the cake. Imma run to the store and get Al's present. Will you be alright?" Canada asked.

"Mhm. The cake won't be done before you come back whatever your name is. Just hurry." Kumajiro agreed.

"I'm Canada.. Just, I'll be right back." He sighed while taking off the apron.

Making a quick trip to the store, Matthew bought a gift box, wrapping paper, a American flag sweatshirt, and stick on blue bow. As usual, WalMart never had enough lines open, Matt worried he wouldn't make home in time. Giving up on the lines, Canada went to self check out and ran home. The timer blared as soon as he bursted in.

Just in time.

Pulling the fresh steamy cake out the oven, he mixed red and blue food coloring in the icing, making sure they were rich and deep in color. Once the cake cooled Canada asked Kumajiro to ice it while he wrapped the sweater. Requesting the top blue, red around the sides, and white stripes across the red. Everything was coming along nicely, soon he could call Al back home. Canada felt bad for kicking him out anyway, he looked so sad leaving too. Plus it's lonely without his obnoxious older brother.

"Almost done Kumajiro?!" Matthew called.

"Yes!" He responded.

Slapping on the bow, he put the box on the coffee table and back to the kitchen to check on Kumajiro. Icing was everywhere, all over the counter and on Kumajiro, but the cake was iced beautifully. He sprinkled the stars on top and smiled at him, patting his fluffy head. He then rang Al after sending Kumajiro to get cleaned up.

"Hurry home brother!" Canada said excited.

"It's about time." He sighed, relieved.

Matt hung up and turned all the lights off, then lit a couple candles on the cake. He fixed his blonde curls and waited anxiously for his brother to burst in.

"Maaaatt!" He called, swinging open the door.

"Happy Birthday!" He exclaimed.

Alfred slowly crept over to his dimly lit birthday cake and looked at it awe. Going back and forth from Matt's face to the baked good.

"Canada... It looks.. So yummy!!!!" He exclaimed, blowing out the candles in one huff.

Matt switched on the lights and cut a slice of cake for the both of us. We laughed and talked as we ate, bonding like brothers do. Matthew washed up the plates and joined his brother for a cuddle in the living room. They watched his favorite movie, not wanting to go anywhere. Just to stay in and enjoy each other for the day.

"Oh! Alfred, here's your present!" Matthew exclaimed, handing over the wrapped box.

He looked at the box with bright eyes like a kid on Christmas. He hungrily tore off the paper hungrily and unveiled the patriotic sweater. His eyes lit up with happiness as he tackled his brother into a hug. Canada loved seeing his brother happy and accepted the hug.

Alfred then looked into Matthew's twin deep blue eyes and stole a kiss. He didn't protest, he allowed his brother since he's the birthday boy this time. Al intensified the kiss, licking his lips for enterance. Which was granted, exploring one another's mouth, after they pulled away; still connected by a string of saliva. Alfred smiled and pulled Canada in closer.

"Thank you so much.." He whispered, nestled in the crook of the younger's neck.

Matthew said nothing in reply, but petted his brother's matching blond locks. Kissing his lips one last time, catching America off guard.

"That's a first! You never kiss me first!" He said startled.

"Hehe, Happy birthday Alfred."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2014 ⏰

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