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"57,Oak street, Lebanon, Kansas."

"Got it."

"Quick! Please!"

"Let's try that again. Where is The Book Of Enoch?"

"Bite me."

The door slams open.

Charlie looked up. Blood dripping  down her face.
A blurry image of Castiel slowly focusing in her eyes.

"Let her go. You have no business with her."

"well, well. If it isn't angel pretty boy."

"Adriel, you're making a mistake."

"Oh, so you're on their side? These humans? They're nothing but animals. Hungry, horny, greedy animals. That's always been you're problem, Castiel. You're sentimental. You tend to absorb emotions. You're weak."

"I'm telling you one more time. Let. Her. Go."

"Oh, she's not going anywhere. At least not in one piece. And neither are you."

Adriel snaps his fingers. An army of four angels arise from behind him, sorely proceeding towards Cas.
It was at that moment, everything rushed through his mind. Every fight he lost. Every wrong decision he made. It all came back to him.
Charlie was his friend. More importantly, she was Dean's friend. And he wasn't gonna let him down again.

Cas pressed his lips together. An angel blade skid down his sleeve and into his palm.
White knuckles from clamping on to his blade so hard. Suppressed rage rushed through his spine like deadly poison demanding to be released.
And suddenly, it was like a volcano erupting. Destroying the ethics of family.

Charlie's eyes start to open. The only thing she can see is a stained white surface which appears to be, well, a ceiling.
She looked down at her feet to find a creepy figure sitting at the other end of the motel room.
She unquestionably jumped up in an attempt to protect herself.
"Who are you!?"

"Hey, hey, calm down, it's me!" Said Cas rushing towards her in concern.

"Clarence, you scared the crap out of me! What the hell are you doing sitting there just staring at me while I sleep? It's creepy, man!"
"I-I apologize. I was just— admiring your beauty." He confessed swallowing the huge lump in his throat.

Charlie chuckled softly, misreading the angel's words as sarcasm, unaware of what really hid behind that sloppy coat.

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