Stuck On The Puzzle

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This song is literally always on repeat, it's a song Alex Turner produced for Submarine, THANK THE LORD FOR THAT. This is one of my favourite songs and is wayyyy too underappreciated tbh.

To those Arctic Monkeys fans, sias in my favourite era (not counting Alex's hair...)


I'm not the kind of fool

who's gonna sit and sing to you,

about stars, girl.

But last night I looked up into

the dark half of the blue,

and they'd gone backwards.

Something in your magnetism

must have pissed them off,

forcing them to get an early night.

I have been searching from

the bottom to the top

for such a sight

as the one I caught when I saw your

Fingers dimming in the lights

like your used to being told that you're trouble

and I spent all night

stuck on the puzzle

Nobody I asked

knew how he came to be the one

to whom you surrendered

Any man who wasn't led away

into the other room

stood pretending

That something in your magnetism

hadn't just made him drop

whoever's hand it was that he was holding.

I have been searching from

the bottom to the top

for such a sight

as the one I caught when I saw your

Fingers dimming in the lights

like your used to being told that you're trouble

and I spent all night

stuck on the puzzle

I tried to swim to the side

but my feet got caught in the middle

and I thought I'd seen the light

but oh no.

I was just stuck on the puzzle




p u z z l e. 

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