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after driving corbyn home, and blasting classic rock; corbyn's request; daniel was stuck with the reality of his dad.

he walked into the house with a permanent smile plastered on his face. walking into the kitchen he saw his father leaning against the counter shooting daggers with his wrinkly eyes at daniel.

"what did i do wrong?" the smile disappearing.

"your siblings have brought it to my attention that you, daniel james, have been hanging out with a poor kid. corbyn besson?" daniels father was giving him looks that could kill.

"how many times do i have to tell you?!" daniel started raising his voice, "i don't want jonah in that way!"

"does it look like i care? jonah is rich. you dating him will keep our reputation high and mighty."

"i want corbyn. he's something different. not a trust fund baby, he works for what he has. he's not a runner, he faces his problems head on and doesn't run away from them. you need to stop judging people so quickly because you never know what they have been through. when i'm with corbyn i feel free. corbyn is perfect. he's unique, his personality is always flowing through the air of the night. have i made myself clear? corbyn is the one. not jonah. so hate me if you want, but if you really loved me, you'd be okay with me liking corbs. We aren't even dating so calm your tits."

"jeff, he has a point. he loves the boy, isn't that all that matters?"

"keri, shut up." and with that, he hit daniels mother across the face. oh hell no, this bitch did not.

he raised his hand to hit her again.

"don't hit her. take it out on me and leave mom out of this."

"dani, no!" his mom tried objecting but it was too late.

smack one, two, three, four, five...eighteen.
then went punches, eighteen of those too.
at the end daniel was left on the floor, broken, bleeding, and crying.

he looked over to his mother, tears streaming down her face. his father had already stormed off into his office probably pouring a glass of whatever alcohol he could find.

"daniel, leave. get your things and leave. it's not safe for you here. take corbyn, jack and jack's boyfriend. go, live a happy life. one where you aren't being held back. i already switched your bank account to only your name. and don't you worry about me and your siblings, we're staying at gram's for a while."

daniel only had one burning question.

"has he hit you before?" it barely came out as a whisper.

he finally noticed something off about his mother's appearance, her face is slowly sinking. wasting, crumbling like pastries.

"yes, but i thought it was a one time thing. dani, baby please it isn't safe. go before it's too late."

daniel wiped a tear from his eye and slowly stood up. looking his mother in the eye before leaving her for god knows how long was one of the hardest things he's ever had to do. it was also something daniel didn't think he'd have to do for a while.

"i'll miss you so so much mommy. take care of yourself and my siblings." he grabbed her tight in his arms not wanting to let go.

"i love you, my dear son." she kissed daniel on the cheek and shoved him in the direction of his room, "now, hurry along and pack what you can. i'm giving you five minutes."

daniel slowly crutched to his room. once he got there, he grabbed his largest duffel bag and filled it. there was some clothes, his phone and charger, a picture of daniel and his mom, his toothbrush, bank card, and lastly, the jacket that corbyn insisted on giving back.

limping back into the kitchen, daniel studied his mother's features one last time. she looked stressed, exhausted, hurt, and tired. it pained daniel to see his once happy, bright, glowing mother become dull.

she walked up to him with a warm wash cloth to clean his cuts. daniel felt safe, in his mother's soft and loving hands. after she was done daniel set his forehead on her shoulder. they didn't need to speak, they were both hurting and words wouldn't do any use. daniel never wanted to leave her arms, but it was for the best.

slowly, he pulled away. they both knew, it was time. leaving this house behind was going to be good for daniels mental health, the environment in here was just so toxic.

"take care of yourself, baby boy."

"as for you too, mommy. remember, i'm always a call away. get out of here soon, for me. i love you so fondly."

she wiped a tear daniel didn't know was sliding down his face.

"te amo. live a good life. don't worry about me."

daniel slowly walked through the front door for the last time, not wanting to leave his mother. after starting the car and driving for a minute, he pulled over and started crying. contemplating the last thing his mother said, daniel realized something. she wasn't leaving. she was sending anna, tyler, and chris to gram's house, but she wasn't going. she was going to stay. and the next time he comes home is going to be for her funeral.

the tears were waterfalls streaming from daniels once happy, cheerful eyes. daniel knew exactly what he needed in that moment. corbyn matthew besson, that's what. he's daniels escape from reality. his touch makes everything better.

i love jeff so it was hard writing him to be an abusive asshole. i couldn't hate him anyways, he's gonna be my father in law one day.

Disobey; Dorbyn [REWRITING] Where stories live. Discover now