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Chanyeol 'S pov.

What have I done,,, am  so  stupid I should have listened to baek  first  before I tell my  parents we were meeting,,

Now  my  son  will  hate me so much,,,

I went  to the doctor and asked him what is  wrong with him, 

Mr  chanyeol  baek  has  high blood pressure and he is in his  third stage,  

It's a miracle he survived being shoot,,,

Doctor please do anything for my wife to get well,,,

We can't  only  in  India  has  the  expert doctor to  treat  baek 'S illness,, 

Then  arrange everything I want my  wife to be taken to India I will pay everything it  doesn't matter how much,,,  I want  my wife to recover,,,

Why  didn't  baek  told me that he  had  high  blood pressure and was  pregnant  ,,,,

Maybe he  didn't want to worry me  that is  why

Now I fucked up  big,,,,

I went inside the room to  see  his  father and our  son,,, sitting next to him

Baek  please forgive me please,,,

Am  real a foolish you  know,,,

Don't cry,,, if  you  become weak who will take care of our  son,,,

Be  strong for our son please,,,,, you are not stupid am  the one who made you hate  me so much,,,  I hate  that I kept the truth from you chanyeol please forgive me

Tomorrow I will take you to India you will get better and be with everyone you love

No  chanyeol my body is tired

No baek  o will take you to India,,  now I have found you I can't afford to lose you am  ready to loose  everything but  not you and our  son please

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