Chapter 12

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Nick's POV
I woke up to a banging head ache. I grasped my head in agony. My eyes opened slowly and I saw Amanda throwing my clothes on me.
"Get up, you have to leave" Amanda said.
"Why?" I asked.
"This was a mistake" she said while gathering up my stuff.
"Why are you in a rush?" I asked.
"I can't look at you, I need to forget this."
"You remember it?"
"No, I don't." She said.
"Neither do i."
"Well that just shows how much we had to drink and we were not acting as we would normally act."
"But you know what they say, I drunk mind speaks a sobers heart." I smiled at her.
"Don't pull that face at me Nick, stop trying to seduce me, we are co- workers."
"So are you and Carisi." I said
"Well that's over now, because of you."
"You deserved better."
"Better Nick? Better than a loving guy who always put you first no matter what, who would always be there for you when you feel alone, is there to help with Jesse and acts like a father, no Nick he deserved better." Amanda got emotional.
"Come on Amanda, you will find someone, maybe you will be closer than you think." I grinned.
"Stop!" She playfully slapped me on the arm.
"Carisi was it all Nick, he really was."
"Come on Amanda this is not what I want to be hearing." I moaned.
"Well then the door is only a couple of metres away." She smiled at me.
I put on my clothes from last night and started to walk towards the door.
*Knock knock*
As soon as Amanda heard the Knocks she pounced on me and dragged me into the bathroom and locked the door.
"Who is it?" She shouted.
"It's Fin."

Amanda's POV
Fin was at the door and I had no idea why. I opened the door.
"Hey are you alright, Carisi called me last night and boy was that awkward."
"Yeah im okay, what did he say about it?"
"He said you just had a huge argument."
"Yeah it was a big argument and when he left I just went to bed."
"So what happened?" He asked me.
"I'd rather not say Fin." Fin looked upset by the fact Amanda wouldn't tell him what happened.
"Do you not trust me or something?"
"No it's not that Fin, it's just I'd rather not bring it up again."
"Okay I won't mention it from now on"
"Thank you." I gave him a short hug.
"So do you want a lift to work?" He asked me. I thought about Nick and how he was still in my bathroom. I decided to stay.
"No it's okay, I'm going to make myself some food and get a shower, but I'll meet you down there in 30."
"Sure see you then." Fin left the apartment and I sighed in relief with the sound of the door closing.
"Nick you can come out now."
He emerged from my bathroom and looked confused.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Why did you not tell Fin? I thought he was your partner, I thought you told him everything."
"Not everything is meant to be shared Nick." I left Nick in my living room while I got in the shower. I got out and ready in 10 minutes, leaving me time to make breakfast. I made eggs and bacon and we ate it quick and on the way to work I dropped off Nick at his place so he could get changed. So no one would suspect that he stayed over at someone's house last night. I drove to work with Nick in my passenger seat. I walked in first and one minute later Nick followed, making sure no one would think we came in together. From that moment i knew that night had to stay a secret.

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