25 || awkward

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The following days were some of the most painfully wonderful yet awkward ones I've ever had to go through.

Firstly, I couldn't stop thinking of how much of an idiot I was.

To ask Taehyung out so brazenly on a date, and all because I was fueled on due to the fact that some arrogant hotshot who flirted with me to win a bet apparently slept with a girl so mean she puts even Sharpay Evans to shame?

Putting it simply: my life was a total clichéd fanfiction - like those addictive ones you read on Wattpad at 1am, huddled under your covers and craving for more.

Except it's not so fun when you're actually experiencing it.

Secondly, aside from the fact that I was a total fool, I also had to deal with seeing Taehyung around the school.

Having acted on instinct and walking away without giving him a chance to even agree to the date, I'd devolved into a complete and utter wreck the day after.

Because when I stepped towards my locker area, Taehyung was there, lounging against the metal cabinets. His ash-grey hair were the usual stylish mess, but his face was different from his usual confident, bubbly expression whenever he greeted me.

Today, he looked conflicted. Nervous, almost.

It made me almost break down into hives of anxiety right then and there. The entire length of my body seemed to have sprouted goosebumps, and for a wild second I nearly considered dropping out of school and becoming a stripper, even though I have the charm equivalent to that of a dead seal and lack the upper body strength to dance on a pole.

And plus, there was no other choice but to keep moving - because as I contemplated what my stripper name would be (probably something lame like Banana Split), Taehyung glanced to the side, and his eyes locked onto mine.

Damn it.

"Hey," he called out, his posture graceful as he got off my locker and strode towards me, both his hands in the pockets of his pants. A determined look was in his eyes as he reached where I stood, which was just around the corner. "Can I ask you something?"

A restless night spent pondering over the possibilities of what Taehyung could possibly say had made me jumpy and nervous and awkward.

So, so awkward that I blurted out in a rush, "oh my God I'm so sorry I asked you out I completely understand if you don't wanna go out on a date with me really it's fine, I mean, I wouldn't wanna go on a date with me either -"

Taehyung released a small chuckle before his hand all of a sudden clasped mine, bringing my rambling to a screeching halt. "It's not that," he said, a corner of his lip rising up in a shy smile. He nearly stuttered when he continued then: "I wanted to be the one to, uh, ask you out on a date, but you beat me to it."

At that moment, my heart pounded about a mile a minute until it felt like it was running a marathon. I couldn't speak, due to the amount of cuteness that is Taehyung.

"So, would you like to go on a date with me this Sunday, and watch me sing for you?" He finished, a proud yet nervous smile adorning his face as he breathed out the last few words quickly.

All I could really do after that was nod, my face stunned, my stomach erupting like a volcano spurting lava as I watch Taehyung's eyes turn bright and warm at my reaction.

Of course, the happy moment had to be ruined by what followed after.

Because on the other side of the problem is a Jeon Jungkook - and a very persistent one at that.

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