34 || pink

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"Okay, so I have a plan."

Ji-eun's chirpy voice broke through my haze. Forcefully, and with a lot of effort, I had to peel my flitting gaze from the classroom door and onto my friend, who's leaning over to talk with Ah-reum.

After we'd settled in class and Yoongi had traipsed over to slump onto his desk in a heap of sleepy limbs and mint blue hair, I'd sat down with Ji-eun and Ah-reum, biding time until either Jungkook or Taehyung arrives.

"What plan?" I ventured, although the glint in Ji-eun's eyes was a telltale.

Ah-reum felt it, too; she slowly warned, pointing an accusing finger at Ji-eun, "oh no, nope, no - do not even think about it."

But in the short course of my friendship with Ji-eun so far, I've learned that literally no one can stop her if she's set her mind on something. Sort of like a determined little puppy.

I sighed, and loudly whispered to Ah-reum, "my friend, just accept your fate."

Ah-reum sighed too. "Why am I even friends with her in the first place?"

I shrugged. "Honestly, I don't know either."

"Wow, okay, it's not as if I don't have ears or anything," Ji-eun scowled. Shaking her head, she leaned forward, a conspiratorial twinkle in her wide grin. "I've figured it out, okay? There's this closet downstairs in my house, right, and it's a bit old, the lock's been broken multiple times."

Ah-reum squinted her eyes, suspicious. "Oh no."

Ji-eun ignored her, her hands practically flailing in the air enthusiastically as she continues outlining her grand plan, "I'll drag my brother over, tell him to fetch something out of the closet. Hara," she turns to me, grinning so wide I can't help but smile at how exasperated Ah-reum is, "you make sure Ah-reum over here gets to be, ah, coincidentally in the closet at the same time. And then, ta-da, she'll confess to Jimin and it'll all be romantic!"

Ah-reum rarely lost her mind over stuff, being calmer than Ji-eun was. But this time she literally stared at Ji-eun before practically yelping "what the actual fuck", drawing stares from the rest of the class.

"Okay, you can't be serious," Ah-reum gripped her head in her hands, shaking it from side to side. "How is that even romantic?"

"Well, you know," I answered for Ji-eun, a sly grin on my face, as well. It was easy to tease her. "Serendipity, and all that. Very powerful aphrodisiac."

"Not you, too!" Ah-reum flung a glare at me.

Ji-eun cackled in glee, clapping her hands together in delight. "If this actually works, maybe all three of us can go on dates together. I'll find a guy somewhere, you go with Jimin, and Hara can join us with Mr. Hottie Taehyung."

Ji-eun's words jolted me out of my glee.

In all the excitement of Jungkook's sudden visit yesterday and planning our sleepover right now, I'd managed to look over the consequences of my growing feelings - namely, the fact that I do still have them for Taehyung as well.


I didn't know what to make of it - Taehyung had been nothing but sweet and a polite gentleman from the get-go, so there were really no questions of how I'd fallen there.

But Jungkook was a maze, and I'd succumbed to lust and passion and it was a spark, a red-hot wire; it was heady teenage awareness at first. I'd nearly gone insane from his lips, his hands, and I admit those were what drew me in first.

But somewhere along the lines I'd seen a lost boy, unsure and missing his balance, covering it with a cockiness to compensate - glimpses like new paint drying over old ones. And this has made me start to look at him differently, and I am totally screwed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2019 ⏰

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