Lunch Time

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Irina knew she wasn't the best of teachers, despite her having taught a class for a year. When she taught, her speech turned stilted and forced as she tried to explain. Perhaps, it was because when she was little, she had never required an explanation for things in her country. You're too close to an explosion? You die. You stab someone? They die. Easy-peasy. Everything was simple to understand because it seemed like an unspoken law to everyone she knew in her country. If someone stopped to question something or even think, their chances of survival were meager. She had to rely on instinct- it was primal. There were no complicated questions. There were no whys, whos, whats, whens, or wheres.

"Attention is one of the most vital tools an assassin wields. Distraction, seduction, hiding... They all require a mastery of manipulating attention..."

That's why assassination came so easily to her. The rules of life and death were basic laws of the world. When one stops breathing, their pulse stops thumping, or their heartbeats cease- their dead, deceased, no longer living.

"But, for now, let's focus on seduction since you do have some experience in hiding and distraction... "

That's why when her students asked a confusing question, she'd stumble with her words, mumbling and muttering a lackluster answer. In her childhood, there was no time to ask, only do. She had no answer to these persistently-sphinxlike questions that were asked.

"To seduce someone, you've got to grab all of their attention. Get in their face, take up all their view. Act alluring and provocative..." She leaned forward, her nose touching Nagisa's.

Perhaps, that's why she loathed languages. To persuade one with words alone, you have to think. Nothing can just click together. You have to be alluring and specific with words to convince someone- to seduce someone. You have to have tantalizing emotions conveyed in every sentence, every word- even actions that weren't spoken.

Then again, learning languages had pushed her to better limits- forced her to evolve. It made her think outside of the lethal, instinctual cycle of kill and escape that her birthplace had set her in. She appreciates the freedom language had gifted her with- freedom from the taut shackles that her country bound her in.

"Act like you're infatuated with them, press yourself on them..." Irina's tone turns husky, whispering the final words. Her perfume sent out a dizzying fragrance, the juxtaposition of oranges and flowers mingling in the air.

However, that's why she grinned so gleefully as Nagisa scribbled down notes so attentively, his blue eyes scrutinizing every statement written down. His mechanical pencil dutifully scribed kanji, the hum of lead meeting paper the only sound he emitted- there were no unanswerable questions, no enigmas to solve.

She poised a blade, cold and metallic, against Nagisa's nape. The boy shivered, feeling Irina's bloodlust, and she whispered, tone still in a faint whisper, "Just like this..."

Nagisa returned her statement with a vicious smirk, similar bloodlust filling his simper. "Let's practice then, Sensei!"


Renge seemed to pull him every way through the maze-like halls, persistently tugging on his arm through the labyrinth of halls and students, Renge's bento clanging loudly all the while. They finally arrived in the cafeteria, and the duo snagged an empty table near the center of the room. Renge turned to him with a wide grin, "So, Chishiki-san... What's your type?"

Nagisa tilted his head in response, cocking an eyebrow.

Renge paused mid-bite, dropping her chopsticks to the table and with a frenzied look on her face, exclaimed, "A type is the personality of the person you like... Y'know, like in otome games?"

Nagisa shook his head fervently, his blue hair following his swift movements. He recalled his former classmate, Fuwa-san, mentioning them before, but he didn't pay much attention to her back then. "I still don't really get what a "type" is, Renge-san..." He murmured, having slight difficulty pronouncing the girl's name.

"Oh, I know! I'll just take you to the host club after school-- it'll be much easier to explain, then! Just remember Kyoya-senpai is mine!" Bits of rice fell out of the girl's mouth as she talked, sprinkling onto the table.

"I don't even know who Kyoya-senpai is, Renge-san!" Nagisa huffed.

"He's only the dreamiest, loveliest, romantic person I know! AND HE'S MINE!" Renge replied, slamming her fist down.

Nagisa laughed in response, asking, "Is he your boyfriend, Renge-san?

Renge donned a downcast look, glumly picking up her thrown chopsticks, "No, sadly... I even moved here to date him, but he won't accept my confession!"

Nagisa eyes widened, jaw agape, he exclaimed, "You moved HERE to meet him, Renge-san?"

"Yeah, yeah... I came from France to meet him..." She sadly prodded at her sushi with one of her chopsticks.

"France? Wow, Renge-san, you don't even have an accent!" Nagisa remarked, astonished.

Renge smiles weakly, "I practiced a lot on my pronunciation, so I could confess to him properly..."

Nagisa's stomach interrupted the conversation before he comfort Renge, it rumbling loudly. He sighed, knowing he couldn't do much to satiate his hunger. The Ministry hadn't given him many funds for his assassination (certainly not enough to buy one of the school's lunches!) and Nagisa had forgotten his own bento in the nervous haze of arriving to school.

Renge perked up at the noise, eyes darting towards Nagisa. "Hey, um... You can have my lunch... I think I lost my appetite..." She holds up her chopsticks, offering them to Nagisa.

"Renge-san, I couldn't just take your lunch! Maybe we could share?" Nagisa grinned at her, taking one the offered untisels.

Renge returns the smile, grabbing the other chopstick. She laughs, contentedly, and says, "Mmm... I think I could deal with that!"


The bell rang loudly, jolting Renge from her depressed state, "Come on, Yume-chan! We got to go to our next class!"

"Yume-chan?!" Nagisa parroted, slight disbelief slipping into his voice. Even though the name was an alias, first-name basis was awfully forward for acquaintances!

"Well, you're calling me Renge, so it's only fair that I can call you by your first name~!" She said, gripping his hand.

"You asked me to call you your first name!" Nagisa retorts, but his comment is lost to the loud, ringing of the bell.

And at this moment, Nagisa relaxes. He laughs blissfully, allowing himself to temporarily forget the stress of everything. He doesn't think of his mother, Koro-sensei, or the ministry-- he thinks of his new friend. And that's enough to get him to smile. It's enough.

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