Jamal Murray gives birth

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Jamal Murray,
Month 9, week 40,
Denver, Colorado,

Jamal, Nikola, Jace, Jackson and Keagan were at the living room telling jokes and then have conversations.

Jace: Mama?

Jamal Murray: Yes?

Jace: You know what happened back in Kitchener?

Vladè: Brata! You farted in the hotel room.

Keagan and Jackson were laughing.

Jamal Murray: 😂.

Wilson Chandler was there with them.

Keagan Thompson: What happened?

Jace: Vladè noticed that I farted in the hotel room.

Keagan Thompson: Really?

Jace: Yep.

Jamal Murray: you should go to Kitchener with us.

Keagan Thompson: Yep.

Jamal Murray: since if you have nothing to do and Jackson, feel free to call me and I can talk to your mom, Klay.

Keagan Thompson: Yes

Jackson: Thanks Mama Jamal.

Jamal Murray: Mhm.

Keagan Thompson: Where's Nikola at?

Jamal Murray: He's at the backyard, gardening.

Keagan Thompson: oh okay.

Wilson Chandler: I made snacks for you guys, go eat some.

Jamal Murray: In a minute, Chan.

Jace: Dang! I'm so hungry. I need to get something to eat.

Vladè: What are you making, Chan?

Wilson Chandler: I made you guys some chocolate muffins, call your mom.

Vladè: Sure.

Jace: Mama. The muffins are ready.

Jamal Murray: I'm coming.

Jamal gets up from the couch, but was hit by a wave of contractions. He clutched his lower Region.

Jamal Murray: Chan? Chan? My stomach hurts.

Wilson Chandler: Why? What happened?

Jamal Murray: You know what? I feel like I'm going to pop.

Jackson: Mama Jamal! Is everything okay?

Jamal Murray: I'm okay, it's just that I'm going to give birth.

Jackson: Oh crap! I'll call Nikola.

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