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My eyes fluttered open and they were everywhere. They all had different hair colors and they were looking at me. I immedly curl up and look back at them. 

"Jake! Come here" One of them says. 

This shiny, glass thingy opens and i snap my head up. There is a boy with a quiff haircut. He was tall and he had on a white dress coat, and he has on some black and orange glasses. 

"Hey there, babydoll." He says coming closer to me. 

I growl at him and he holds his hand up and stands still. 

"Its okay. I am not going to hurt you." He says. 

His scent hits me and i stick my head up and sniff his scent. His scent was like a sweet, cookie scent.  My mother always told me never  to talk to them, because they are so bad. 

"Can i come closer?" He asks me. My eyes lock with him and his eyes are huge. I feel my eyes changing color. 

"T Pepe!" I yell at him. He covers his ears. (No don't) 

"Huh?" The other people ask. 

I look at them, before looking back at the boy. If i could get him closer, to me and kiss him....i would be able to talk to him. 

"You okay?" He asks. 

I nod and crawl towards him slowly. He looks scared, but i keep crawling, until i reach his feet. I bow my head down in submission and he looks down at me. I look him in his eyes and he smiles at me. Then i used my speed to hold him down to the ground and kiss him. 

Jake p.o.v 

One moment she was bowing down to me and the next, she was kissing me? I tried to push her off, but she held me down. 

The door opened and the guards ran in with there guns. They pointed them at her and she slowly looked at them. 

"Get off him!" They say.

She snarls at them before looking down at me. She smiles at me. 

"GET OFF!" Mr. Williams  says. 

She looks at him before lunging at him, and tackling him to the ground. He pushes at her, but she growls and scratches at him. Then a gun went off and it hit her in the back. She fell of him and screamed out in pain. 

"Why would you do that?" I yell getting up and walking to her. I kneel down beside her, and touch her but she opens her wings and closes them around her, blocking her from anyone. 

"Get her cleaned up." I say before walking out of her cell. I close the door and leave, to go home, with my daughter. 

Anea p.o.v

The pain. That i was in was... killing me. The worst part was that he left me. He let them do this to me. 

"That's what you get. You little piece of shit." The one who i attacked says before leaving. 

I wrap my wings tighter around me and let my tears fall. 

The door slams and i sigh. I concentrate on my wound. I close my eyes and feel the wound start to close up. The bullet falls to the floor. 

I open my wings and see no one there so i fold them behind my back. There is a some blood on the floor but it is nothing compared to the time, i was almost killed. 

There is some leaves on the floor, so i lay on them and curl up to sleep. 

Next day 

I open my eyes and see the boy from yesterday standing talking to another person. I open my wings and flap them to get their attention. They turn and look at me and smile at me. Jake....i think his name is walks over to me. He kneels in front of me and he smiles at me. 

"Hey, how are you doing?" He asks. 

"g-good." I say. Their language was so funny to me. He looked shocked. 

"You sure you are okay?" he asks. 

I nod, and hear a little girls scream. The images from my sister, being attacked flew back in my mind. 


"Anea! Please don't let them get me! PLEASE!" She screeched at  the top of her lungs. I flap my wings faster and faster. I have to get her! I spot them and i dive down in front of them. 

"T. Pght. TG!" I scream at the. (Let her go.) 

They shoot a bomb at me, but i fly up and kick one of them in the back. He falls and i take his gun. I shoot but nothing comes out. 

"Are you really that stupid?"  One of them yells at me. 

I growl at him, and i feel my fangs growing longer. Then i heard a crack and i look over to see my sister, laying lifeless. I screech and fall to my knees. They took me away. 

I look at Jake and he looks scared. 

"You didn't just hear the girl scream?" I ask. 

He shakes his head. 

I open my wings and flap them a few times. I look up and see a opening in the hole. 

"I'm sorry." I say before taking off. I fly straight up, but i feel a shock in my body. I fall to the ground and pant. 

"No, i'm sorry." Jake says before walking away. 

I get up and crawl to the pile of leaves. I plop down and  close my eyes. As soon as i was getting ready to doze of, Jake comes in with the man from yesterday. The one who called me a piece of shit. 

I sit up and growl at him. my fangs emerge and i snarl at him.

"Anea. I need you to lay down." Jake says. 

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