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I look at him and he looks back at the man. 

"Please, just stand over there. She trusts me." Jake tells the man. 

The man rolls his eyes and walks over to the corner. I look at Jake, he has a sad expression in his face. 

"Please. Just lay down." He tells me. 

"Why?" I ask him. 

He sighs. "I need to give you a shot." 

I tense  up at that. I had never gotten a shot, but my cousin took a shot from her "mate" and and ended up killing him. 

"No." I say. 

Jake sighs and looks at me carefully. 

"Please. I know you are mad,but-" 

"I said NO!" I yell. 

Jake looks at the man and nods. The man smiles and begins walking towards me. I growl and snarl at him but he aims his gun at me. 

"Stand down." He says. 

I show my fangs and hiss at him. 

He smiles and pulls the trigger. I open my wings and fly up. Then i fly down and grab him by his neck. 

"You will leave me alone." I growl. 

He laughs and kicks me backwards. I try to open my wings but they won't move. I fall on the ground. 

I look around trying to find Jake and find him standing by the door. He is watching? The man walks closer to me and knees down. 

"Your going to enjoy this." He whispers. 

"Jake. Go get Doctor. Adams. She can't move." The man yells. 

Jake puts the needle down and runs out of the room. The man gets up and walks to the door. He locks it. 

He grabs the needle and walks over to me. He shoves the needle in my arms and i whimper.  Then he stands up and unbuttons his pants. I look at him and he smiles. 

"Yes. You have been a little brat. But guess what i am the same thing as you. A hybrid. But shhhhh, no one knows about this. I know you are the chosen one, so you will have my pups." He says bending down. 

"No! No!" I shout trying to move around. 

"No, baby. You can't move now...." He starts pulling at my pants. 

"NO! STOP!" I scream. 

He chuckles and opens my legs. I try so hard to close my legs but i can't feel them. It was like my body was betraying me. 

He forces himself in me and i scream and my tears start falling from my eyes. Why me? What have i ever done to anybody? 

"Please stop.."  I beg him. 

He starts moving in and out and that's when i really am in pain. it felt like my vigian was being ripped open. He hrba smy neck and starts pounding into me. I scream but he keeps going he doeen't stop. Evently i stop trying and just lay there thinking about my family, my life, and everything. 

He pulls out and smiles. "You were a very good girl...for your first time." 

I ignore him and try to make myself curl up, but i can't. 

He pulls his pants back on, then he starts putting my clothes back on. I felt so dirty and nasty, and used. I felt like a guhfyh tepti. (dirty bitch)

"Don't say a word to anyone. If you do.....i have your mom, and dad downstairs. They will get punished for your actions." He gets up and walks out the door, leaving me laying on my back in these filthy clothes. 

Hours later 

This drug he gave me still hasen't worn off. I don't know how long i have been laying here. Somebody opens the door and a gasp is heard. 

"JAKE! COME HERE!" SHe screams. A few minutes later Jake comes in and kneels down by me. 

"What happened?" 

I don't say anything. I just look at the ceiling. 

"Anea. Look at me." I don't look at him because he let this happen to me. 

"Damnit! Look at me." he shouts. 

I look at him and he smiles at me. 

"What happened?" 

"I don't know." I say. "I want to wash my body and hair and i want new clothes." I say. 

He nods. 

"J, go get the shower ready, and get some of the finest soap, shampoo, and condintor." He tells the girl. 

She nods and leaves..

"Come on get up." 

"I can't." I say. 

"huh?" He asks. 

"the shot, that he gave me. I can't move." 

He nods and picks me up. He takes me to what they call a "bathroom." He sits me on a toilet and J, comes back in with some soap, hair wash, and some clothes. 

"J, could you wash her-" 

"No. I want you to do it." I whisper in his ear. 

He smiles and looks back at J. "Nevermind. Just lock the door on your way out." 

J nods and sits the clothes down on the sink before leaving. 

Jake looks at me. "Why do you want me to wash you?" 

"Because i trust you the most...." I mumble. 

"If you trust me, tell me what Tyler did to you. I need to know so that i can help you." He says. 

"H-he told me that i would enjoy it. Then he told you i couldn't move. After you left he locked the door and gave me the shot. Then he forced me to have sex.." I sob with my head down. 

Jake looks pissed off, but he brings me into a tight hug.

"After i wash you. I'll have a long talk with him."  


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