~Nothing but a untold memory.~

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Puzzled Memories

Chapter 1

~Nothing but a untold memory.~

Death is inevitable, but peaceful. All the voices I had fought my whole life finally went silent. The world I had known was gone. I was always told in church growing up that there were certain things that would land you in the pits of hell, even if you were saved. I'm swallowed in a quiet darkness. I can't seem to find a demon with horns or the pits of hellfire. According to them I'm banished to hell for what I did and there's no saving me. So I guess I'm not quite understanding whats going on or even where I am. I hear the sounds of what I believe are monitors but my subconscious is slipping away. Everything began to shake and collapse, like a angel falling from the gates of heaven. I suddenly started to hear a loud but steady rhythm. Only then did I realize that I couldn't have been dead. The rhythm started to fade and all I am left with are the memories that are slipping away. I'm terrified and I'm forgetting. I'm not sure what I'm forgetting, but I'm forgetting. I could sense it. At that moment I forgot everything but here's the remaining question, how can I forget who I am if I never even knew who I was?

The second my eyes flicker open they are already a second behind. My surroundings are moving so rapidly, I cant keep up. Sort of like the feeling of being drugged. My vision is really distorted and flurry, similar to being submerged into water. The one thing that had the opposite effect on me was the rain just outside of my window. It seemed as if the storm that was going on inside of my mind had taken a trip outside. I felt relief, but I had no idea why. I faintly see a women with brown eyes, she's holding my hand but I cant move or speak I was just left to listen.

"I don't know if you can understand me, but I need you to do something for me. All of these other doctors want to give up on you and I don't. My names Beauty. I'm your guardian angel, but they call me your "next" doctor. Everyone keeps dropping your case and I don't seem to understand. Nobody even thinks you are going to wake up. I called my sister, she foster and adopts kids like you. I'm here to help you in any way I possibly can. There's something special about you. I can't figure out what it is but I have so much faith that you can make it through this. Give yourself the strength to wake up Aubree, you have a whole new journey waiting for you. Don't give up now." She started to cry as she patted my hand, got up, and left the room. I then started loosing consciousness. I was then not able to hear or see a thing.

In the midst of everything moving like a mysterious fog, there was a pale women with thin blonde hair and a tense body at my bedside. With a welcoming smile she reaches through the bed rail and grabs my hand as I slowly began to regain consciousness.

"Hello dear, my name is Melinda. I'm here to help you in anyway that I can. I notice that your parents are no where to be found, would you happen to know where they are?" As I look up slowly trying to piece my vision together I notice the not only puzzling look on her face but she looked very troubled as well. As I roll over on my other side facing away from her. I started to think about about her question before I fell asleep. I don't remember a thing. I then sigh in frustration knowing there were many more questions to come. Questions that I don't have the answers for.

"How am I suppose to know where my parents are or even who they are when I don't even have a damn clue where I am or even who I am? What the hell happened to me?"I look down in the mirror next to my bed as I notice that my lips are blue and I am as pale as a ghost.

"They found you in the middle of a alleyway. They had to pump a lot of liquid from your lungs. You were minutes away from being clinically dead." Melinda looks down at the floor with tears in her eyes as she slowly pulls her hand away.

I feel horrible. All this poor lady wants to do is help me and I'm taking all my frustration out on her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2018 ⏰

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