Hajime Hinata (Chiaki x Hajime)

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Just something short because I don't have many/any ideas but I don't wanna get lazy and not update this, so enjoy! BTW, we're at like rank 14 for Triggerhappyhavoc tag, like omg I'm so proud. I'm surprised anyone's even read this, so thank you to anyone who even happened to miss click on my story and help me get so far. It might not seem like much, but to me it means everything and there's no way in hell I would've got there at all on my own.

Also, Chiaki is like, not my favourite charatcer in the games/anime, so like, this might be awful because I don't really like her.

- _Sykopath_

Hajime groaned, sitting up. Above him was Chiaki, who had leaned over his bed, placing a washcloth on his forehead to seize the fever threatening to overtake her boyfriend. Confused, he glanced at her again, but she smiled reassuringly at her.

"If you can't look after yourself, I guess I'll have to." Chiaki smiled, her voice as soft as it always was. Whilst her words were as kind as the rest of her, they did hold some hypocrisy in them, as Chiaki almost always forgot to look after herself, falling asleep quite frequently due to late night gaming or other activities she busied herself with throughout the night.

Sure, Hajime wasn't perfect and stayed up some nights, but he never reached the level of determination that Chiaki had when she was planning an all-nighter.

As if it was on cue, Hajime sneezed, and immediately Chiaki handed him a tissue, smiling at him once more.

"It's alright Hajime, it'll be fine as long as I'm here."

He smiled, and he was pretty sure he shared the look Komaeda had when he was talking about hope as Hajime did looking at Chiaki. She was perfect, handing him all he needed and more. A shoulder to cry on, a friend to talk to, a girlfriend to confide in and please, and he received all of it back from her.

Shuffling to the edge of the bed, Chiaki softly pushed him back.

"Rest, Hajime. You work too hard for all of us, you need to relax yourself."

Nodding, he slowly allowed her to guide him back down into a laying position, but not before coughing. As he laid there, she moved to sit beside him, her game boy in hand, and she rambled on about a recent game she'd played, explaining the small details many wouldn't appreciate.

With every detail she provided him, a part of her disappeared.

Confused, Hajime quickly sat up, attempting to salvage his girlfriend, to hold her together and she slowly disappeared. Unfazed, she kept talking, the pace of her voice quickening, her disappearance speeding up.

"Don't leave me Chiaki. Not again." He sobbed, holding onto her the best he could. However, his best wasn't good enough, it never usually was.


Sitting up, Hajime looked around, his sight a bit blurred, but manageable. He sighed, laying back down as he saw both Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi.

"What, am I not allowed to take some rest every once in a while. Am I really that necessary?" He bit, responding to Kazuichi.

"We heard you coughing and then crying for Chiaki..." Kazuichi mumbled, looking away, almost as if he was embarrassed at the fact he'd come to help his friend. Fuyuhiko sighed, taking a seat next to Hajime, similar in the way Chiaki had before.

Thinking about her again made his head and heart hurt more than this stupid fever hurt him.

Fuyuhiko managed a small smile onto his face.

"We're all struggling Hajime. You know that, right? But if you've got any problems... You shouldn't fucking hesitate to tell one of us."

Of course, he was speaking from experience. Sure, Hajime had lost Chiaki, someone he loved so dearly, and missed more than anything, but Fuyuhiko had lost Peko, who he'd known even before Hope's Peak, and loved longer than Hajime had Chiaki.

Climbing over both of them, Kazuichi took a seat on the other side of Hajime, leaning his head on the wall.

"Yeah, we're like soul brothers, aren't we Hajime?"

Hajime managed a small smile, nodding weakly at both of the males.

"Yeah, trust you both." He mumbled. Kazuichi smiled widely, his sharp teeth shining.

"Anyway... you need to fucking rest up. Don't give me any bullshit that you're fine either." Fuyuhiko said, standing up to leave.

"Don't leave me. I don't want to lose you two like I lost Chiaki, please!" He cried, reaching out to grab onto Fuyuhiko's arm. Sighing, the Yakuza nodded, lying down next to him, allowing Hajime to rest on him. Beside him, he felt Kazuichi rest his head on his back.

"Night Hajime. Night baby Gangster." Kazuichi mumbled, but Hajime felt him smirk against his back.

"Hey, who said you could fall asleep? And don't fucking call me baby gangster you fucking-"

He didn't hear the rest of his threat and he had already fallen asleep, only to view more fever dreams of the girl he would never be able to see again.

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