Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu (Fuyuhiko & Kazuichi, slight Fuyuhiko x Peko)

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This was originally meant to be a Fuyuhiko x Peko fic like my Hajime and Chiaki fic, really sad, but I love Kaz too much and made it too Kaz and Baby Gangsta focus, so I hope you don't mind too much. Enjoy.


Fuyuhiko sighed, looking around. His vision was a bit misty, and his head was pounding, but he had grown used to his body not functioning in the way it should. He couldn't let it hold him down, not with his clan and being a yakuza, he never had time to.

That's when Peko usually came in, to look after him, to care for him. No matter how persistent Fuyuhiko was, Peko would always insist that helped out, and that she was to look after him. After, she was his sword and shield, and if she couldn't protect him when he had something as small as illness, then how was she expected to care for him on the battlefront.

Sure, after the games, he had never really returned to his clan. They understood, and he had higher ranks that would take over whilst he was recovering. He hadn't completely ignored them, he had visited them once, and called them regularly to check in with them. However, seeing as the horrific games had only just ended, and that the memories still plagued his mind, he decided it would be best to stay with Future Foundation for a while, and with the remainder of his friends and classmates.

This was where he was now; in a bed, in a room that belonged to Future Foundation, waiting until he finally felt comfortable enough to go back to his clan. Whilst part of him missed them, he did want to stay with Future Foundation, to make his wrongs right and to help his friends.

Speaking of his friends, he heard a knock at the door. He quietly groaned, before muttering a come in. Being away from his clan had made him too soft, he thought.

Luckily, it was only Kazuichi, the person he was closest to out of his classmates, and it wasn't any Future Foundation members. Fuyuhiko wasn't sure if he could get through seeing one of them without threatening to kill them. Which he had already done. Several times. 

"You alright?" Kaz asked quietly, shutting the door silently before sitting on the floor. He had been tinkering on some sort of project, and if Fuyuhiko had been in a better mood, he probably would've asked what he was working on.

"Mhm." He muttered, sitting up and resting his head on one of his hands. Kazuichi sighed, but didn't say anything. Kazuichi couldn't have been much better, and from what Fuyuhiko could see of the boy, he looked as if he hadn't been sleeping for a little while. Fuyuhiko could sympathise with this, as he struggled to sleep most nights, remembering the horrific sights of his classmates bodies, and in particular, a women who went by the talent of the Ultimate Swordswomen, holding him close, accepting her fate as she cradled the one she loved. He could feel a tear falling down from his eye, so he quickly wiped it.

"No one's seen you this morning, we've all been worried." Kazuichi added, met with silence. Kazuichi's we probably meant Kazuichi himself, and at most Sonia and Akane. Not one member of Future Foundation would really care about him, and Hajime hadn't been seen around for a few days. Fuyuhiko shook his head.

"Well you can stop fucking worrying." He mumbled. Kazuichi sighed, once more, before standing up. Fuyuhiko looked up, expecting the mechanic to have said something before just departing, but Kazuichi stood there, still.

"You keep thinking of Pekoyama, don't you?" He asked, looking at the wall. Fuyuhiko looked at his lap, too ashamed to have said anything, and let himself cough instead. It didn't seem to settle Kazuichi anymore than a response would've, but he didn't want the mechanic to believe that he was ignoring him.

"If Tsumiki was here, she'd probably be screaming at you for that, telling you exactly whats wrong with you." Kazuichi chuckled. Kazuichi certainly wasn't wrong, or at least, he wouldn't have been before she caught the despair disease. Ever since then, if she was ever brought back, Fuyuhiko didn't think he'd be trusting her soon.

"Yeah, probably right on that." He muttered, just to keep Kazuichi happy. It didn't seem to please Kaz much, but some response was better than none, in Fuyuhiko's opinion.

"They still had no luck on bringing anyone back?" Fuyuhiko asked, but still knew the answer. The only classmate they'd managed to bring back was Komaeda, and that only due to his insane luck. Nanami wouldn't be able to come back, due to her being an A.I, and Tanaka hadn't stirred, like the rest of their classmates.

"No, uh, don't think so." Kaz mumbled, looking at his project. Kazuichi sort of reminded Fuyuhiko of Peko in this moment, caring for him, putting up with him, even when he wasn't the most interactive or social person. Kazuichi was willing to put up with him, whilst not in the romantic way Peko would've, but in the friendly way of wanting your friend to be at the fullest health.

Fuyuhiko could feel himself choke up at the thought of Peko. She didn't deserve her fate, she should've been the survivor, not Fuyuhiko. She only killed Koizumi because she had to for Fuyuhiko, so it was his fault. He had killed Koizumi, not the other way around.

He sobbed, catching Kazuichi's attention. Kaz turned around, facing the yakuza with a forced smile on his face. Kazuichi sat down next to him, hugging him from the side. Despite not usually enjoying close contact, he allowed himself to hug the mechanic, sobbing onto Kazuichi's shoulder. He wasn't entirely sure what had made himself so emotional, but allowing himself to get it out of his system wasn't too bad, despite the extra pain it caused his head.

After he had finished sobbing, and clearing up his face, Kazuichi smiled. He set Fuyuhiko down onto his bed. He then proceeded to stand up, which annoyed Fuyuhiko a little, but he wasn't one to comment on something that small.

"I'll come back, I promise." He replied, smiling at Fuyuhiko. "Just gotta go tell Naegi you got yourself as sick as a fucking dog, just don't tell Tanaka, and that you'll be resting up. Y'know, like a normal fucking person."

He smiled at Kazuichi's humour. Whilst Tanaka and Kazuichi hadn't really gotten along, Fuyuhiko could tell that he missed the breeder, and that without someone to pick fun at, Kazuichi was kind of lost. As well as that, he knew how much it hurt Sonia to have been left without the breeder, to have watched him die. Whilst Kazuichi no longer pined after Sonia, he knew that Kazuichi still cared deeply for her, however in a less romantic way, and in a friend way, like Kazuichi cared for him.

"See ya when I get back, I guess. Don't get too sick without me, baby gangsta." Kazuichi chuckled, before leaving.

"Don't fucking call me that." He mumbled, before laying down and resting, dreaming of nothing but the girl he could no longer save, and no longer have.

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