The Grandma Setup

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An older woman was in her warm house one winter night. She was preparing for her grandchildren to visit in a couple of minutes despite the heavy snow. She grinned to herself as she sat cross legged on the floor, finishing up her latest contraption. In what felt like a second, she heard a knock at the door. However, it wasn't her grandchildren at the door, but instead a big bad wolf. The wolf was hungry and cold, and seen the old lady as a tasty snack.

The old lady screamed in fear, but no one could hear her. In just a matter of seconds, she was in the wolf's stomach. After the wolf had its fill, it lazily plopped onto the couch to take a snooze. Right as the wolf closed his eyes, the phone rang, it was so loud and noisy, the wolf had no choice but to get up. Before picking up, the wolf remembered that he had eaten the grandma so he had to disguise his voice. You see, the wolf has already been convicted of eating a gingerbread man, stealing plums from a farmer and napping on top of an elderly man. He could get caught again. So he decided to get away while he still had the chance.

Once he got to the door he tried to run to the forest, but he got stuck in the doorway instead. He struggled to free himself however, nothing worked. "ow, ow, ohooooooo" he howled, peering around, in search of someone, anyone, that could help him be freed. " I need help! SOS! A-woooooo-gahh" Just then, a bouncy, young bunny hopped out of the forest, on his way home from helping his dear friend, Bambi.

Bambi, who was on his way home from the forest, was waiting for his best friend Bunny, Bambi recently hurt his hoof while playing hopscotch with their other animal friends. Bunny with his super hearing, heard a cry for help. Muffled and distressed. With his giant feet, bunny kicked down the door. His friend Bambi trailed in after. Both put on (shadows?) and became the good and bad cop partners, as they both were secret forest prey protection officers.

Despite his injury, Bambi was always good natured but today he was particularly feeling a little angsty. "You got your weapon ready bambi?" asked officer Bunny as he leaned behind the tree before their attack. He made sure to pull down his shades a bit, to showcase his facial expression. Bambi, leaning against the tree nodded towards his ivory sword, slightly wincing in pain. "You know it, B" he said. This was what Bunny had remembered before they kicked down the door. Now he laid facing up. Hearing blood spatter and the sounds of sliced flesh being made. How did this happen?

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