I Know

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I know love is a candlelit power outage-- feeling transparent, as though I could disappear.

I know pain lingers under bedsheets, dances on the ceiling-- lives in between bouts of laughter wedgedinbetween book pages hidden behind "I miss yous" and "be safes"

I know love as trust, as home. Feeling safe in my mom's arms.

I know joy as folklore. Like recess spent looking through the window pane. My mind is a classroom.

I am heard, seen, understood, myself.

I know love as warmth travelling through my body as I sip my grandmother's homemade soup. I know pain as a friend when my grandfather passes away.

I know joy feels like sunshine upon my skin-- the wonderful taste of juicy strawberries shared with me by my loved one.

I know pain through the throbbing jolt in my head as I eat the ice cream my mother bought me. Coming home after school upset because the kids made me feel different.

I am bright eyes and salty water.

I know love when my partner cares more about me than me. I know pain when I get ignored or rejected by the people I care about.

Pain is a broken heart.

I know joy when I've been playing the Sims for over 4 hours straight, as a way to stop war and make world peace.

I know joy from seeing the face of loved ones since the beginning of life.

I know joy was there when I binged watching DeGrassi for days on end.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2018 ⏰

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