They found out.

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The boys went over to were v4 was at.

"V4-CHAN!" Oliver said but quickly stepped back

v4 started to rub her eyes really fast.

"Hey guys" She said

"What's the matter?" Len said

"Nothing I'm Perfectly fine" V4 lied

"Then why are you crying?" Fukase asked

"I'm Not crying" v4 lied again

"It's just allergies" V4 said

"How much money do you have?" Piko asked

"PIKO!" Oliver, Len and Fukase yelled

"How much do you need?" V4 said

"We need about $4,0000 " Piko said

"It'll take me a while" V4 said

"We kind of need it now" Piko said

"We don't need it at all!" Fukase said

"Give me a second" V4 said as she brought out her phone

"V4" Said Fukase

She dialed a number and asked for a withdraw from her bank account.

"I'll be right back, I have to pick up the money" She said

Then from a window a beer bottle was thrown at her. it missed her by inches.


She walked away. The boys followed her.

"Is that your dad?" Oliver asked

"Yes" V4 said

"Why does he call you trash"? Oliver asked

"Why not ask him?" V4 said

"Because he is scary" Oliver said

"ok then" V4 said

"Calm down V4" Len said

V4 ran faster to the bank. she was crying and trying not to show it.

After she grabbed the money she gave it to Piko, she thought about running but they were surrounding her.

"What?" V4 said

"Tell us what's going on" Fukase said

v4 told them everything, including her missing mother. They gave her a hug.

"You guys are embarrassing" V4 said

She stopped crying and they began to walk to the house to show v4.

v4 flower's lifeWhere stories live. Discover now