She is Len's what?

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When they reached the house V4 noticed that the medicine bottle was gone witch means someone was awake. v4 knocked about seven different times.  It began to rain. So V4 flower went around the back with Rin and tried the window. she got it open and helped Rin through the window too.

Next thing V4 new she was hit in the back  of the head with a hard object. when the lights turned on v4 was on the floor and Oliver was standing over her with a baseball bat and Rin screamed. Every body else came running down to the kitchen.

"What the heck?" Piko said

"I heard a noise coming from the kitchen and grabbed my baseball bat just incase and when I got down I saw shadows so I swung on the taller one" Oliver explained

Fukase ran to v4.

"Get some water!" Fukase yelled.

Len came running in with a bucket of water and poured the bucket on her face. She woke up.

"OWWWW!" V4 said

"Your ok!" Rin said

"No I'm V4" V4 said

"Sorry I had to pour a bucket of water over your head v4" Len said

"Don't worry about it" V4 said

"YOU!" Rin yelled at Len

"YOU!" Len yelled louder.

"V4 why do you hang out with Len?" Rin asked

"V4 why do you hang with Rin?" Len asked

"Wait, you guys know each other?" V4 asked

"Rin is my annoying sister" Len said

"ANNOYING?! ME?!" Rin yelled


"V4 is with me because we ate ramen together and he said I could stay here for tonight!" Rin said

"HE SAID? V4 IS A GIRL" Len said

"That stupid, you don't even know the gender of your own "Friend" Rin said


"V4 tell my pain in the neck you're a boy" Rin said

"Sorry Rin, But I am a girl" V4 said

"W-What?!" Rin yelled.

"I'm sorry" V4 said

"But.. I was hoping to be with you" Rin said with tears forming

"We can be friends though" V4 said sweetly

"I'll think about it, my heart is broken right now" Rin said

"Are you still gonna spend the night?" V4 asked

" If its still ok" Rin said

"Of course" V4 said

"Can I still sleep in your room?" Rin asked

"Yea" V4 said

"Good, I don't trust any of these guys" Rin said

V4 led Rin to her room and grabbed an old white nightgown and gave it to Rin and left so she could get dressed.

"V4!" Oliver said as he tackled her

"Let's wrestle!" Piko said jumping on V4's back

"ME TOO" Fukase yelled

"Don't forget the banana lord" Len said

Everyone was soon jumping on each other.

Rin tip toed down stairs. When she saw everyone playing around she smiled. Especially when she saw v4 smile since she didn't do it often.

Everyone paused when they noticed they were being watched.

Rin snapped out of it.

"Good night V4" Rin said as she bowed.

"Good night Rin-Chan" V4 said

It made Rin smile.

"What is your real name?" Rin asked

"I go by many things: V4, Flower, V4 flower or flower-chan" V4 said

"Night flower-chan" Rin said

Rin went upstairs and on the floor because she didn't know if she could sleep in the bed or not and didn't want to ask where to sleep. Rin fell asleep on the floor. hours later V4 was on her way to bed and notice Rin was on the floor so she picked her up and put her in her bed and brought out a sleeping bag and went to sleep in her bed.

When it was morning Oliver and Piko went to wake up v4 to tell her to cook dinner.

The door made a loud noise that woke up Rin. she began to scream but slide off the edge of the bed and on v4.

"Ow!" V4 said as she sat up rubbing her head

"Sorry Flower-chan" Rin said

"I knew the boys were perverts!" Rin yelled

"No we came to wake up v4 to tell her to make breakfast" Piko said

"What a pervert?" Oliver asked

"I'll tell you later Ollie" V4 said getting up.

she left her room and went to the kitchen to make everyone breakfast. she made pancakes, waffles, bacon , eggs and sausage.

Everyone ate except for v4. she wasn't big in eating but if she was she eats fast. She was cleaning while everyone was eating.

"Does she ever eat breakfast?" Rin asked

"Not really, she usually only makes us food" Oliver informed me

"Why?" Rin asked

"I don't Know" Oliver said

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