Meeting Rin

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V4 got new medicine and knocked on the door, when no one answered she left it at the door and skated away. She figured that just like everyone, they were done with her and she couldn't go back to her father, he made her give him her house key so she couldn't come back.

She kept skating until her stomach growled. she checked her pockets incase she had money, of course she had money enough to get ramen.

She skated to the nearest ramen shop and ordered her favorite. she was so hungry she began to wolf it down.

There was a girl next to her that looked weirded out.

V4 started to drink the ramen juice.

"U-um excuse me but you're gonna get sick if you keep eating like that" The girl said

"Hmm?" V4 said

"Sorry, I'm Rin" The girl said extending her hand

V4 shook her hand

"I'm V4" V4 said

They talked for hours. It was pitch black until the owner of the ramen shop asked if they could leave because it was closing time.

"So how far do you live from here?" V4 asked Rin

"Umm kind of far" Rin said

"Well if you want you can come to mine and the guys house." V4 offered

"A house full of guys?" Rin asked Nervously

"Don't worry I'll be there" V4 said with a smile

Rin had no idea that V4 was a girl. She thinks that he is a cute boy.

"UM sure but can I sleep in the same room as you, you know for safety?" Rin asked

"Sure" V4 said

V4 held her skateboard in her arm and walked with Rin to the house.

Rin was thinking "What a nice guy"

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