Chapter 6/ a/n-ish: you saved me

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THIS STORY HAS TO DO WITH SUICIDE, AND TIM'S DEATH, IF YOU GET SENSETIVE WITH THIS KIND OF STUFF I ADVISE YOU NOT TO READ PAST THE A/N! (and also btw if yall read this and get angry with me for writing a story like this, than you can just leave because I don't want to offend you nor do I want to be offended by you. any rude comments WILL be deleted) 

wooooooooooow yall

tysm for reading my book, its only been alive for like 2 and a half weeks and already has somewhere around 340 reads!

ty and I love yall

also wow I got #1 in the dj category and #1 in the avicii category 

thanks guys I love you!

oh also one more thing, I'm gonna continue the "collaboration" series after a couple more chapters (or maybe just this one) bc I feel like I should make a variety of stories, so yeah

ok ill stop talking so you can read the story love yaaa


I was on vacation (or holiday or whatever yall call it) in Oman with Tim, the trip was going well so far. we were having fun and all that jazz. I was resting in my hotel room, getting ready to go to bed, when all of the sudden tim's mother began to call me on my phone.

"hello?" I answered.

"Y/N, I NEED YOU TO CHECK ON TIM, NOW!"i heard her scream and pant through the phone.

"what? is everything ok?" I asked concerned.

"NO TIME TO EXPLAIN, GO NOW!"she said. I hung up and ran out of my hotel room without putting my shoes on. I reached into my pocket, tim gave me the key to his hotel room just in case I needed it. I swiped the key card on his door and tried to open the door, but it was locked (do yall know those chain things in the hotels on the doors that keep someone from getting in? yeah that was locked and all you could do was see only one inch into the room).

"tim? TIM OPEN THE DOOR!" I yelled. I heard a bottle break.

"TIM PLEASE OPEN THIS DOOR !"I yelled. my eyes  were starting to tear up, I had no idea what was going on, or why glass was breaking. I reached my fingers through the door to try and unlock the little thing. it hurt so much but I just had to push through the pain. finally, it unlocked and I ran inside,


I ran into the bathroom and saw tim with a bloody piece of glass. I could see that his wrists were slit and cut deep. I ran up to tim and fought him for the glass.

"NO Y/N." he cried. he was crying out in pain. I could see it and tell it too easily.

eventually I grabbed the glass, my hands were scraped and bloody. we fell to the floor crying. I grabbed my phone and called 911. the last thing I could remember was sitting in the hospital waiting room.

"miss, miss?" a nurse said shaking me awake. I slowly opened my eyes, then I realized I was in the hospital.

"what time is it? is tim ok?" I asked the nurse panicked.

 "well, its about 11:30pm, pretty late miss, and yes he is ok for now. you called at the perfect time. he is in recovery right now because he cut an artery(if yall don't know what that is, its like a vein I think that carries a lot of blood and its really bad if it gets cut because you can suffer lots of blood loss) and lost a very large amount of blood, but luckily we had his blood type so he is getting it injected with an iv currently. he had a couple of surgery's and we need you to sign a few papers." she told me as I sat all the way up. she handed me a clipboard and I began to answer the questions.

at the bottom was a bill, a big one. lets just say around $45,000. I didn't care. if it meant saving tim's life, than whatever. I finished the paper work around twenty minutes kater and gave it to the lady at the front desk. 

"miss, is it ok if I see him?" I asked nervously.

"oh yes, follow me!" she replied. she led me to a corridor with a sign labeled "recovery center."

we got to the room and she opened the door for me, "if anything happens, please call the nurse." 

"ok, thank you so much," I replied walking in. there were machines everywhere, endless beeping noises filled the small room. he had bandages covering his wrists and almost half way up his arm.  I sat there and watched him sleep, waiting for him to wake up and say anything. 

about 7 minutes later, he began to stir in his sleep. 30 seconds later, he woke up startled. he looked around and noticed me.

"y/n... what am I doing here? why am I here? why am I still here?" he asked. I began to tear up again.

"tim, whats wrong? please tell me whats wrong, I feel so awful that you feel the need to hurt yourself in the way you did," I couldn't go on anymore. I was sobbing at this point.  

"y/n, I'm not who I may seem. I don't like the spotlight, I don't want to be the center of attention," he admitted.

"tim I'm so, so sorry that you feel this way and I want you to know that I'm here, if you need anyone to talk to, I'm right here. but I will admit I'm not sorry that I called the ambulance because you're precious. tim, I love having you as a friend. I am so thankful for you! and I thank God everyday for you, and I think we can come up with a solution," I told him emotionally. honestly, ever since I met tim, I had feelings for him, and when he tried to do this I just felt heartbroken.

"y/n, I never meant to hurt you or anyone else for that matter, and yes I... I am sorry," he began to cry, "there are solutions and there has to be some sort of way to fix the way I feel, I just don't know how."

I hugged him, "tim I'm going to do everything I can to help you, I love you."

" saved me," he said. everything went silent, all you could hear were machines, "I love you too y/n, and thank you. I feel like I realize some of what you mean."

"thank you tim," I said holding him in my arms. 


this was difficult to write

and please don't get upset with me for writing this, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings in any way, shape or form. (if I did)

thank you for reading, love you and if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm right here for you. <3 <3 <3

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