The Kidnapping

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Hawkins, Indiana (March 23, 1987)

Katie Evans reached for her radio when she heard her friend Dustin trying to contact her.

"Hey Dustin. What happened? Over." Katie asked.

"Evans! I was just thinking we should hang out with Steve today, he told me that he wants to spend more time with us before he has to leave to New York. Over." Dustin explained.

"Who's going apart from us? Over." Katie asked.

"Only Steve and I, I have no idea where are the others. Over." Dustin responded.

"I'll go, where do we meet? Over." Katie asked again.

"Let's meet at the Quarry. Over and out." Dustin said and hang up.

Katie grabbed a gray sweater and headed to the front door while telling her parents she would be back for dinner. She grabbed her bike and pedal to the Quarry. On her way there, she started to think about what has happened in the last four years, when the whole Party was barely 12 and everything started...Will getting taken away...Will getting possessed... Meeting Eleven...Eleven disappearing... Eleven coming back...the Demogorgon and Mind Flayer... It has only been three years since the Mind Flayer and since Eleven came back. She remembered when Mike, Max, Dustin, Lucas, Steve, and her went to the Upside Down tunnels to set them in fire and how she almost got killed by one of the Demogorgons because she thought it would be a "great idea" to distract the Demogorgons from hurting her friends by throwing things at it.... It didn't end well... She arrived to the Byers' house with multiple scars, making the others worried. Her parents got involved with the Upside Down the same way Steve and Bob got involved, by accident. Katie shuddered at the memories, she made herself a promise that same night ...that she would do anything to protect her family and friends, even if it meant pain and loss for her. Now, three years later since the last event... everything was better, her parents and Joyce Byers would be presidents of the "Let's Get Worried Club" (if there was one), Eleven went to school with them and was trying her best to catch up with the others, Will was recovering, Mike and Eleven were together, so were Max and Lucas, Dustin was still obsessed with chocolate pudding, and Nancy, Steve, and Jonathan were really good friends that the three of them decided to go to New York together. People still called the Party 'the freaks' 'the losers' 'the nerds' and other stupid names. Max, El, and Katie more because they didn't act like 'proper ladies' just because they would talk back to the ignorants that made fun of The Party and because of that one time Max and Katie punched Troy in the face when he pushed Will.

Now, half of the gang was 16/15 (In this story, I'm going to use the celebrities' birth dates, not the characters), Steve 20 (almost 21), Jonathan and Nancy 20. Katie just had her birthday party a few days ago where she only spend it with her friends and family. Katie has been part of The Party before Lucas, Dustin, Eleven, Max, and Steve joined, she knew Mike and Will since 1st grade. She was also the one that had arguments with Mike trying to convinced him to let Max and Steve join The Party. (Yes, Steve is part of The Party) She gave a low chuckled, she remembered how annoyed Mike was when finally Max became part of The Party and how Dustin was so happy and excited when Steve joined The Party. 'Yes! Our babysitter is part of The Party!'

After 15 minutes, Katie finally arrived to the Quarry and saw Dustin and Steve already waiting there.

"Hey Stevie, hey Dus, what's our plan here?" Katie asked.

"Dus, really? Yesterday was Poofy Hair." Dustin rolled his eyes.

"Eh, I haven't made up my mind, like always. What's the plan?" Katie shrugged.

"Steve just thought that maybe we should hang out, is been a while since it was only us 3." Dustin shrugged.

"Yep, and after all I'm leaving in a few months and I need to spend time with my kids. But, don't worry, pretty soon I'm going to have the adoption papers." Steve joked.

The Fantastic 6 (Stranger Things x IT) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora