Beijing, China

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Beijing, China (The Party) (March 27, 1987)

Katie opened her eyes and blurrily saw the place she was at. The room was just white with a table in the middle and a bunch of papers on top, three chairs, and a big mirror on her left side. She looked around trying to think where they were stuck, she came to the conclusion that she had no clue. She looked around and saw Steve and Dustin still passed out and that the three of them were tied up to the chairs. She tried to untied herself, but the knots were too tight. She looked around for a anything that could help them get out.

"What the hell is this? Untie us! Where the hell are we? LET.US.GO!" Katie yelled at the top of her lungs to no one, "STEVE! DUSTIN! Wake up!"

Katie heard a groan and saw Steve waking up. He had the same panic expression in his face as he looked around trying to figure out where the hell they were. He looked down and saw his hands and legs tied, his facial expression read, 'OH, HELL FUCKING NO!'


Steve and Katie kept yelling at Dustin to wake up, after a few tries he woke up with a groan saying to leave him alone, that he's too tired. After a few more shouts, he finally came to realty and saw that they were tied up and stuck on who knows where.

"OH SHIT, first the Upside Down, then that stupid Demogorgon, then Dart, then the Mind Flayer, and NOW THIS?" Dustin yelled, "What's next? The Shadow Monster knocking on our door saying, 'Surprise motherfuckers, I'm back'!"

"I don't think that matters right now, Dustin. We have to find a way to get out of he-" Katie didn't finish her sentence when the door opened revealing two men.

"Finally the Sleeping Beauties woke up." One of them snickered, "You three slept through the flight and finally woke up after four days."

"Four days? Who are all of you? What do you want with us? Where are we? Why are we here?" Steve snarled.

"Great question, Mr. Harrington," The Chinese man in a white suit drawled, "Well, let's start with our names, I'm Mr. Chang," He then pointed to the white man, "And that's Mr. Thompson."

"I dont give a shit about your names, we just want to get the hell out of here!" Dustin scream at them.

"Woah, woah, woah... You better change your attitude Mr. Henderson or you will have to suffer the consequences," Mr. Thompson hissed.

"Let us go! Or I swear I will-" Katie began to say, but got cut out by Mr. Thompson.

"Or what, Ms. Evans?" Mr. Thompson said in a warning tone.

"I'll find the way to beat the shit out of you two!" Katie yelled at him.

"All of you shut up and listen! Listen here kids, you have to understand that we are the good guys, we are on your side, we are just doing our job, okay? Here's the deal, if all of you shut up and stop yelling, we will tell you the reason why we brought you here and also you will be able to meet another three kids that will become your partners in crime." Mr. Chang said in a apathetic tone.

Steve, Dustin, and Katie looked at each other and back at them with anger and sighed, if it was the only way out, there was no other option. If they were honest, the three Party members were actually pretty curious of who were the other three kids they would be meeting. They just hoped that their family and friends were safe back in Hawkins and that soon they could go back home. They had the suspicion that these people would somehow bring up their family and friends to this problem. The three of them were ready to attack if they try to do something that was unfair. The knots got cut with a knife, but they still got handcuffed. 'Just exactly what I fucking needed.' Katie thought as she followed the three adults out of the room.


Beijing, China (The Losers Club) (March 27, 1987)

Richie Tozier, Beverly Marsh, and Eddie Kaspbrak were able to beat the shit out of a human-eating-clown together with their friends. But, when Richie, Bev, and Eddie disappear on March 23, they knew that they would have to deal with new things... Maybe even worse than Pennywise The Dancing Clown. When the three of them woke up, they had no clue on where they were or what they were going to encountered again. The feeling they had at NeiBolt the first time they went, was back: FEAR. Fear... A feeling that was so common on 1984. (in my story, the IT plot took place the same time the Stranger Things Season 2 took place) The three Losers looked around the room that had only had a table, a bunch of papers, three chairs, and a big mirror on the side. They came to the conclusion that they were so fucked up, especially when they noticed that they were tied to the chairs.

"How long you guys think we been here?" Bev asked.

"Probably like one day or more... If I had my watch with me, maybe I would know, but they took away everything.... Including my fanny pack... The good news is that I know we are so fucked up." Eddie said sarcastically while looking around the room, still trying to find a clue where they were at or a way out.

"Aw man! I missed my favorite show for more than one day." Richie whined.

"Fuck you Richie. We are stuck who knows where and we have no clue what they going to do to all of us and all you can think about is that fucking show?" Eddie scowled.

"Well, I'm sorry, Eddie Spaghetti, but I really miss my favorite show of your mom sucking my d-"

"BEEP-FUCKING-BEEP RICHIE! Is not the fucking time!" Eddie yelled at Richie.

"Both of you shut the fuck up! We need to find a way to get the hell out of here!" Bev yelled at Richie and Eddie.

"I don't think that will be possible Ms. Marsh, don't you think is too early to leave?" Someone said.

The three losers turned to the door where they spotted  one white men and one white woman. The three of them were dressed in really fancy clothes and they could see a gun belt in each of them and a... knife? What the hell were they going to do to them?

"Who are you? Why are you carrying guns and knifes? Where is my fanny pack? What are you going to do to us? Let us go, you son of a bitch!" Eddie screamed at the three adults.

"Huh, I like your attitude. Perfect for what we need you six," The woman smirked, "I'm Mrs. Roberts, I'm pretty sure we'll get along pretty well."

"After kidnapping us, tying us, and showing up with some fucking knifes and guns, I fucking doubt it that we're going to get along." Richie snorted.

"Shut up Richie! What do you mean by six? We are only three." Bev asked.

"We can't tell you that right now, unless you three decide to stop yelling and are calm enough to follow us without trying to do something stupid," the man said, "If you three stay quiet and follow us, we'll tell you why all of you are here and who are the other three. Deal?"

The three losers looked at the three adults with so much anger. Richie was about to argue again, until Eddie sent him a glare saying, 'Don't you fucking dare!' and decided to keep his mouth shut. The three of them nodded their head to let them know they agreed with them. They got untied with the knife, but they got handcuffed. 'Just in case you can't keep your deal.' The three losers followed the three adults out of the room where they saw some officers waiting outside. They just hoped that they could go back home fast, they know their parents won't give a shit on what happened to them, but they didn't want to worry the other losers... They didn't need more problems.

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