The Search

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Hawkins, Indiana (March 23-27, 1987)

Isabelle Evans looked at the clock and noticed that it was already 8pm and Katie wasn't home yet, she suddenly got really worried. After all, her daughter had to fight some weird monster from another dimension and almost died three years ago. After making a bunch of phone calls, she found out that Dustin and Steve weren't home either. Karen told her that Mike and the other members of The Party were having a sleepover at Joyce's house. She decided to head to Joyce's house hoping Katie and the other two were there. She grabbed her purse and headed to her car and drive to Joyce's house. When she got there, she saw Hopper's car parked outside, which now was normal since Joyce and Hopper seemed to be more close after what happened to Bob three years ago. She knocked on the door several times, until she heard some footsteps approaching to the door. She hoped that when the door was opened, she would see Katie, Steve, and Dustin sitting in the living room watching a movie with the members of The Party... She was wrong.

"Hello Mrs.Evans, come in." Will offered and move aside. There Isabelle notice all The Party members watching a movie... Only three were missing.

"Thanks Will... Is your mom and Hopper here? Is Katie here? Is Steve here? Is Dustin here? Did they hang out with you guys? Have you guys seen them?" Isabelle asked so fast and loud that she got everyone's attention.

"Hey! What's the hell is going on in here?" Hopper exclaimed approaching to the living room.

"Isabelle... What's wrong? Are you okay?" Joyce whispered walking behind Hopper noticing how panicked and stressed Isabelle looked.

"Katie went out seven hours ago and she hasn't come back! I called everyone I could think of, apparently Steve and Dustin aren't home either." Isabelle gulped.

"Calm down here. Let's ask The Party first... Have you guys talked to Dustin, Steve, or Katie today?" Hopper asked glancing at the other members in the living room.

"N-No... We-ell, we t-try to contact them by the r-radio to invite them to the s-sleepover, but t-they wouldn't answer." Mike stuttered, nervous at how mad Katie's mom was.

The Party and the others were also really nervous, after all, Katie's mom was known for being chill and rarely getting mad at The Party, but watching now... They realized when someone messes with her daughter or someone from The Party, there would be consequences. Isabelle brought her hand to her hair and pull her hair of frustration, 'no, no, no... This can't be happening' She thought. She took a deep breath and looked at the others.

"Okay, we all need to calm down here! Everything is going to be okay. We will find Steve, Dustin, and Katie." Hopper affirmed.

"NO HOPPER! Is not okay! My daughter, Steve, and Dustin are missing! We both know this has to do with the Hawkins Lab! And you really expect me to be calm about it!?" Alejandra snapped and left the house. She knew that she might had overreacted, but she didn't want to risk losing her daughter, or Steve, or Dustin. Steve and Dustin were like her own sons, just like the other members of The Party.

The next day, when James Evans arrived home from work and found out that not only her daughter, but also Steve and Dustin were missing, he decided to do something about it. Isabelle knew that the police wouldn't do anything (apart from Hopper), she decided that she was going to find her 3 kids, even if it was the last thing she did.

3 days went by with no news, the parents of Katie knew that they were missing, not dead and the Hawkins Lab had to do with the disappearances . However Steve's parents and Dustin's mom had no idea of the Upside Down and they couldn't do anything other than be there for them. The polices were still looking for the three of them. On the 4th night, around 11pm, Katie's parents were at Joyce's house trying to find any clues to find them, just like they did 4 years ago when Will went missing too. Eleven tried to find them through her powers, but she said that she couldn't find them... Like if someone was blocking their minds. Suddenly there was knock, Hopper went to answer confused why someone would be here at that time of the night, but hopeful that it was Steve, Katie, and Dustin, so he opened the door. What he wasn't expecting was two Chinese men dressed in a fancy black suit.

"Are all of you related or know Katie Evans, Steve Harrington, and Dustin Henderson?" One of them asked.


Derry, Maine (March 23-27, 1987)

"Does anyone know where Bev, Eddie, and Richie are? They left around 11am and is already 6pm." Mike asked, glancing up from his comic.

The 4 losers were hanging out at Bill's house, they invited the other 3, but apparently Richie and Bev went to annoy Eddie about 7 hours ago and they haven't come back and there was no news from them. The other four thought that maybe Bev and Richie were hanging out at Eddie's house, but that didn't stop them from worrying after the events with IT.

"Probably Bev and Richie are smoking somewhere and Eddie is making a list about a million ways to die from anything," Stan guessed flatly.

"I-I t-thi-ink we have t-to be s-s-serious, they h-hav-ve been mis-s-ssing for-r a-a-about 7 hours." Bill stuttered.

"Bill is right, we know Bev and Richie can go missing for a week and come back like nothing, but Eddie? He's more careful than me trying not to get caught cheating on a test." Ben agreed.

"Ugh, fine let's go to the Kaspbrak house, maybe finally they convinced Eddie to smoke and right now the three of them are high as fuck in their magical world." Stan said annoyed.

The four Losers headed to the Kaspbrak house first were they asked Mrs. Kaspbrak about Eddie and she said that Eddie left with those 'two losers, Richie and Beverly.'

"If all of you find him, tell him that he's old enough to know what he's doing. If he doesn't want to come back, to not even bother to do it. Is not like I even care," Mrs. Kaspbrak fumed while slamming the door in their faces. (I know Sonia Kaspbrak is careful as fuck with her son, but in this story I'm going have to make her like she doesn't care, just for the plot)

"What the fuck!? The hell is wrong with her?" Stan said sharply.

"I-I k-know, she's s-s-uch a b-bit-tch." Bill scoffed.

"Want to try Bev and Richie's house? Just in case?" Ben proposed.

They headed to Bev's house, only to find it empty. The four losers were pretty sure her dad was out or something. (In this story Bev's dad is alive) Then they headed to Richie's house, where his dad has been gone for 1 week and his mother saying he shouldn't even bother to come back because for both of them, he's dead. Everything the parents of the other 3 losers said left the other 4 shocked. They decided that when they founded Richie, Bev, and Eddie...the other 4 would go to their friend's house, take their stuffs with them and adopt them. The losers went back to Bill's house and decided to look for them tomorrow. But Richie, Bev, and Eddie never show up the next day. 3 days went by with no news, they couldn't tell the police unless the person was missing for more than 4 days. (I know that doesn't make sense, but oh well) The other 4 losers searched everywhere everyday for the past 2 days to look for them. The 4 losers even checked NeiBolt, just in case. The losers were doing their best to find them, after all they were the only ones that cared about them because their parents gave no shit. On the 4th night, around 11pm, they heard a knock in the door. They freaked out because of the whole IT thing, but decided to answer the door, just in case it was their 3 friends. What they weren't expecting was to see 2 Chinese women standing right outside the house.

"Are all of you related or know Edward Kaspbrak, Richard Tozier, and Beverly Marsh?" One of them asked.

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