Anna's POV

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"Okay I think Richie left, I knew he was going to follow me." "No your dad told you about him." I stared at him. "Whatever, any who ill just tell them that, then maybe tell them later that, It is my dad." "You can't!" "Henry let me take care of this!" "Fine, but I trust you." I smiled and walked into the other room. "I have something to tell you all." I looked down at the carpet. I had to make this lie seem real. I took a deep breath.

 "I saw It." Everyone rushed over to me. "What when?" Everyone asked. "I saw him a few days ago, he took me down into the sewers." "That explains why you smell like that." Eddie said. "Sorry." He looked down guilty. "But the only way to stop it is to kill it." "Again." Richie complained. "But we need some rest first." "Yeah." Beverly agreed. 

Everyone got to bed. Stanley and Bill slept in his room. Eddie and Trashmouth Richie slept in Stanley's parents room, me and Beverly slept in a guest room and Henry offered to sleep on the couch. 

That night I could smell that Beverly was afraid of storms. I mean no way was I going to eat her but, it was funny when kids got scared. So I used my powers and made the storm get worse. I ran out the door leaving the storm the way I put it, and went to Henry. "Henry!" I whispered. "Yeah." "You ready?" "Yeah." We agreed that he would leave and go back to the sewers to make it look like that "It" as the kids say, took him. "Okay well see ya later." He tiptoed to the door. "I think you could get a boat and set sail." I smiled. "Ha ha very funny Anna." He rolled his eyes smiling. "See you when I do." I whispered. Then he walked out the door.

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