Part 3

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I woke up to the sound of knocking, the knock echoed through the practically empty room

I chose to ignore the soft knocks, so I closed me eyes to go back to sleep


A soft voice called my name

"Can you open the door?"

I drowsily got out of bed and went to open the door

A man stood there in silence until he suddenly spoke

"I'm Jihoon, I'm supposed to show you to your office"

He extended his hand for a handshake

I took his hand in mine and said

"Nice to meet you, can you give me a minute to change?"

"Oh yes of corse, I'll be outside"

I quickly pulled on a black shirt, ripped Black jeans and then finished with the lab coat that I normally wore back at the old unit

I opened the door and stepped outside

"Ready?"  Jihoon asked

"Yeah, lead the way"

He lead me down a dark corridor, we took multiple turns until we came to a stop outside a large black door

"Well here we are, your work schedule is on the desk"

The man left and I entered the room, the schedule was pretty boring, mostly paperwork but I got on with it

About an hour later I heard loud bangs and the sounds of screaming

I didn't know what to do, I had no idea what was going on, so me being the dumbass that I am decided to open the door, a tallish man with brown hair quickly wizzed into the room I was in, he grabbed my head and covered my mouth, the quickly shut and locked the door

He ducked down below the door and sat with his back facing it, he rested me on his lap

With one had he covered my mouth and with the other he held a knife to my throat

He whispered in a low, husky voice

"Squirm or make and sound and I kill you, got it!"

I nodded my head and sat in silence

The man lowered the knife but he still kept my mouth covered

When he was positive that no one was outside the door he stood up bringing me with him

He then turned around and pinned me to the wall, my back facing him, I saw him open a duffel bag with his free hand

He pulled out some ropes and scrap bits of cloth

He tied my hands behind my back and placed a cloth over my mouth so that i couldn't scream or shout

He sat me down on the floor and proceeded to tie my legs together

He then stepped away

I looked up at him with fear in my eyes, but I couldn't help but notice his perfect features and muscular body

I was snapped back to reality when he spoke

"I guess I could keep you as a hostage, you could be my ticket out of here"

I was so confused, I looked up at him and frowned

"It's nothing personal, it just so happened that you opened the door as I was passing by" the man said in a lowish tone

It was obvious in the way I looked at him that I had something to say

"Promise not to scream and ill take the cloth off your mouth, I hate seeing people like this anyway" his expression seemed to soften as he spoke those words but he snapped out of it quickly

I nodded my head, agreeing not to make noise

He approached me and removed the cloth from my mouth gently, he stared deep into my eyes for a second and then stepped back

"Who are you?" I asked while glaring at him

"How about I show you"

He rolled up the sleeve of his black turtleneck to reveal a black symbol tattooed onto his left shoulder

I wasn't even shocked , it was obvious that he'd escape at some point, such a powerful man couldn't be kept locked up forever

"The leader of the Trinity Seven" I said with a bored look on my face

He chuckled "Damn, you looked more frightened before I told you who I was, now that's what I call a knock to the ego"

I let out a small laugh

He smiled at me, but his expression quickly changed when he stared into my eyes

"You can't be" he exclaimed


I looked at him confused at what he said

He quickly approached me and took off my lab coat, he then rolled up the left sleeve of my black shirt

He began to chant something, I didn't understand but it was dodgy as fuck if you ask me,

"Are you tryna spawn Satan"

I asked

"Shut up!!!"

When he stopped with his creepy ass chant he turned to me and said

"Do you know who you really are?"

"Who I really am ??"

"You're the missing 7th member of the Trinity"

Hope you enjoyed it :)

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