Chapter 1

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These four blank walls the same ones I have stared at for only what I can Imagine as four years, but I have lost track of time between the sciencetists who collect blood and feather samples, and the guards who bring food and water, plus the one hour of exercise I get. I have no idea where I am all I know is that I have to get out of this cage "Hey!" A guard yells letting the the tray hit the small little slab in my door, I turn to face him "Hey freak  here is your dinner." He said as he slid the tray into the cage I grabbed it as I mumbled a thank you he turned and left, the small meal consisted of a slice of bread some potatoes a thin dried pice of meat and some peas with water. I learned to tell the days by my food Mondays this, Tuesdays a chicken wrap thing, Wendays I don't know what to call it all I know is that I get pudding, Thursdays some sort of lasagna, Fridays chicken with a pice of pie, Saturday some soup looming kind of gou, and finally Sundays some fresh bread a small cup of wine and some mac and cheese.  It doesn't that bad but I get the same thing every week so without much change in my diet I do hey sick of it, and keys not hey started with breakfast or lunch. I sit on the cold floor and start to eat then i hear " Test subject 260." That was me test subject 260 one scientist called me rose through he was the only one that cared I stood and the bars of my cage as a onterong of guards and a scienctist came door the scientist placed a dog tag on the slab my sign that I was going outside but for what my hour of exercise had already happened so why were they taking me out I put on the dog tag and waited for the door to open " Hello my pet, how are you to day rose ?" Asked the scientist "Fine I guess, a no called a freak again today but I'm used to it ." I sighed " good." He replied as he gave me a small smile he gestured for me to walk with him " so it seems the test has been succsesfull, your wings are fully grown and with proper training​ you might be able to fly." He said as he cast a quick glance at me " so what's all this about ?" I questioned " I wanted to do something special for my pet's birthday, so I have a gift for you ." We stoped in front of a door and he punched in a code the door opened i saw a pair of clothes and shoes a small shower in the corner with a brush and some hair ties " What's all this ?" I asked " Your gift take a shower and change i have another gift for you." He said as he gestured me int the room the 'clothes' I wore now was more a robe you could find in the hospital I stepped into the small room with the shower and closed the wooden door I took of the robe and got into the shower the warm water felt amazing on my back and shoulders but it felt odd as the water ran of my long hair and wings I finished washing my hair and rinsed​ it out and turned of the water as i stepped out of the shower I grabbed the towl as I started to dry my damp hair I grabbed the brush and tried to tame the frizzy mess it had become once I was finished I stepped out from the room to see the doctors back toward me " Are you ok my pet ?" He asked " I'm fine." I replyed as I got dressed when I put on the shirt I noticed that two holes where my wings were I gently pushed them through I sighed when they fell at my sides the doctor turned " you look amazing." He said and looked at me like I was his own daughter he pulled out a small leather looking coat and held it out to me " this will cover them." He said as I put it on it covered​ my wings " Thanks, I guess but what is this all about." I asked he sighed "follow me please." We walked towards​ the exit then he asked​ " rose you have three days to make a choice, a choice that will change every thing but remember one thing if you leave these doors you must forget every thing about you past.

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