Chapter 4

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As I slammed the door I turned my back was against the door I slowly slid to the floor lance aproched me slowly and licked my face tears ran down my face how could she, I wanted to tell her the truth but how could I she would get killed like all the others but this was different the other girls that loved me I never loved but rose she was different, she didn't care how I felt she would never love a beast like me. ~~~ The door opened and I was greated by a woman "Hello are you Mrs.Stone?" I asked my wings twitched underneath my coat "Yes, who asking?" She asked " I think I may have found your daughter." I said hoping she didn't sense my uncomfort "Come in." She moved so I could step into the house when I entered​ two males greated me " These are my son's, Damion and Jack." She said jesturing to the guys " Nice to meet you." I said as I shook their hands. "Please sit." She said I sat on a chair and her son's sat next to her " Well where is she, is she safe?" She asked " she's a lot closer than you think, and yes she's safe." I responded the son's looked at me "I can tell you this I think I'm your daughter." The mom looked at me and she said "You do look a lot like her are you positive." "Yes, my name is Marissa rose, I lived in boise this house looks familiar to me and eighteen years ago I went to the facility and became the monster I am now." I said while removing my coat and opening my wings when i looked up the mom was on her feet and had a gun pointed at my head I gasped "good." She said "you weren't supposed to live they were supposed to kill you now I have to do their dirty work." As she talked I looked and saw a open door that lead to the back yard I ran through the door and shot into the sky then I felt a sharp pain she shot me in my wing I managed to get back to Bigby's. I crashed near the house as I came closer I noticed cars loads of them I ran into the house to see bigby surrounded by men with guns " Where is she!" A man yelled bigby was bleeding "I don't know." He wimpered "I'm right here!" I yelled they all turned to face me " No rose, run." Bigby yelled a man punched him "Come with us and we wont hurt him." Said the man "No, I'm not going any where with you!" I yelled they all amied at bigby.~~~ Before I could blink she was in front of me wings open wide " If your going to shote you'll have to shote me first." Rose yelled the sound of gun fire rang through my ears when I looked she was holding her arm then I saw it her beautiful blue eyes turned yellow and a beast was released as she fought the men she was shot three more times. When they began to flee her eyes turned back to normal "bigby.." Rose mumbled she fell to the floor " Rose!" I yelled and crawled twards her I held her she was cold like stone " no, not you please rose I Love you." I sobed the words were croaked tears fell on her face I lifted her and kissed her gently when i pulled away she mumbled " I love you to." I cried more "Rose, please don't leave." I pulled her closer an pressed another kiss onto her lips she wrapped her arm around my neck when we separated she let in a breath then said " I could never leave my wolf, he needs me." Her hand wiped away the last of my tears " I love you so much but." I paused  " but your afraid." she finished

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