Chapter 6

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I don't know how long I stood there after our lips parted just holding her in my arms she finally looked up at me "Why don't we go back to bed Bigby." Marissa said I agreed and let her go so we could both get more sleep, as we went up the stairs I couldn't help but feel an aching feeling in my stomach just hoping to hold her again I didn't hear her wish me good night I was distracted, lost in my own thoughts could she be the one I had no clue but for now I was going to trust her.  Morning arrives  I sat up in bed and stretched my arms and wings out I was still sore from the long flight I took the night before as I went down stairs Bigby greated me "Good morning Marissa." "Morning Bigby." I sat down at the table and he brought over some eggs bacon and toast for me to eat I told him Thank you and began to eat he soon joined need at the table " How did you sleep last night after you woke up?" He asked me "I slept ok it's kinda awkward with wings and tender bulet wounds." He laughed at my response but didn't ask any more we continued to eat in relative peace until the home phone rang "I'll get that." Bigby stood up and answered the phone I watched him as his expression changed he said bye then hung up "Who was that?" I asked him Bigby didn't respond at first the he turned twards me putting his hands on the counter he let out a sigh "It was my mom telling me that our family get together is in a month or so, and she wanted to see if I was going to be able to make it this year." I looked at him I was still confused he was going to be able to see his family shouldn't he be excited to see them "The thing is Marssia  I don't want to leave you here alone that could be dangerous what I've you get attacked again you'll blead out." I thought about it for a bit Bigby doesn't want to have me alone, but he should go see his family "How about you just take me with you?" I asked he looked at me "Well I do t think that would be a good idea unless we said that we were dating, but even then my family can be kind rough with new people." I laughed "How about this, yo u said it's in a month from now during that time I can heal a d you can get used to having me as your girlfriend and if you don't think it will work out you can just call your mom and tell her something came up." I stood up and he pulled me into a hug gently kissed my head "You would do that for me?" I looked him in the eyes kissed his cheek "Yes Bigby I would, expecially after everything you've done for me." He smiled and continued to hold me close "Wait if you go with me they will make you share a room with me, so we will have to sleep in he same bed." He smiled and I felt heat begin ton rise to my cheeks I hadn't thought of that "I didn't think of that one." He laughed then kissed me when he pulled away he said "Don't worry Marissa, I'm just teasing you."

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