//Chapter 2\\

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I walk down the hall and run into Jack. "Hey jack!" I say smiling. "Hey." He says rolling his eyes. "What's up?" I say. "Nothing much just being betrayed by my bestfriend..." he says whispering the last part.

"What was that?" I ask. "Nothing." He says walking away. I stand there shocked at what he said. What did he mean by getting betrayed?

I walk to lunch and sit down at an empty table expecting Jack to come amd sit down. "Can I sit here?" I hear someone say. I look up happily thinking it was jack but it was Chase.

My facial expression dropped when I saw Chase. "Whats wrong, beautiful?" He asked. "Nothing." I say looking down. "Well it looks like something, whats wrong?" He asks again.

"Fine, after I left you I went to go see Jack and he wasnt himself. He was being.....mean." I say.

"Oh..im sorry." He says. I lay my head on the table on the verge of tears. Why was Jack like this? Everything was just fine yesterday.

"How about we go to the movies after school?" Chase asks. "As in a....date?" I ask. "Yea!" He says smiling.

"Ok.." I say sadly. "Hey its ok." He says.

//1 month later\\

Jack hasnt talked to me ever since last month for some reason. He's actually started bullying me. But on the bright side Chase and I have started dating.

He's honestly the sweetest boyfriend you could probably have.

I hear a door bell ring so I go downstairs and answer it. I see Chase standing there. "Hi Chase, come in." I say. He comes in and pins me against the wall kissing me.

"Chase stop!" I yell. But he continues kissing me. I push him away he says, "Ugh why do you have to be so difficult?!" He asks.

"This bet should've already been over by now!" He yells. "Bet?" I ask quietly. "Yea bet, do you really think a hot guy like me would date an ugly hoe like you? God girls are so dence, wait no youre just dumb, youre a dumb hoe with no friends." He yells. He walks towards the door and before he leaves he says, "Oh yea the bet was only to see how long before I could get into your pants. Oh and we're over." He says leaving.

I sit there shocked with tears rolling down my face. I continued crying all night and eating ice cream.

I wake up with my face stained with tears remembering I had school today.

//CHAPTER 2\\ sooo howd you guys like it?

Bestfriends?//Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now