The 90's.

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Dylan Sivan born 30 December, 1997, Australia.

Piercing blue eyes, curly brunette hair and a pink white face. I lived at the countryside. Spent my childhood in fields, grew up with my boys, driving cars, eating homemade and wearing jeans.

I was 17 when I fell in love and got separated the same year.

Before I go on and describe myself and the reason to write I want to take myself back to those streets through this sheet and this fountain pen. I am not sure if this piece of paper would be enough to absorb the depth of my emotions as I press this pen onto this page.

With my lips pressed I'm beginning to write. When I was 6 I learned that people are temporary. I learned that sadness is not only an emotion but it is a cloud that is brought to you by wind. If the wind stops blowing, the cloud may stay there for a while but you know there's always a breeze coming your way.

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