Is it easy?

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The ground beneath my feet shakes as the sky above me keeps getting darker as the day dies and the night begins to fall. Slowly, petrifying my soul and making me scared. It is easy to spend the days alone with your mind screaming while your body is standing in a crowded place with mouths that speak and claim to be there but feels to be far and never close.

Sitting in darkness while the day shines outside your window isn't as hard as spending the night alone in the actual darkness realizing how much your soul can relate to it. Sitting yet again with a mind screaming but this time without a crowd Just the dead of the night and the silence that screams so loud that sleeping becomes impossible.

Now, is it easy?
To have everyone but no one. And is it easy? To stay wide awake while the whole world seems to be resting peacefully? Or is it hard? To be dead but alive and to be blamed for how you feel and to be blamed as if everything that's happing to you is done by you, intentionally.

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