Kyorije Alphabet Letter Names

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Kórije arhfabethus kúkodhus namdhos
Κώλιτε αρφαβεθυς κύκωδυς ναμδως

Kyorije uses the greek alphabet, so it will be very simple to memorize. Let's talk about something that might be a little confusing. When it comes to an accent, more specifically the accute accent ('), it makes a
/j/ sound behind the consonant and before the vowel.

Αα Ββ Γγ Δδ Εε Ζζ Ηη Θθ Ιι Κκ Λλ Μμ Νν Ξξ Οο Ππ Ρρ Σσ/ς Ττ Υυ Ϋϋ Φφ Χχ Ψψ Ωω

Arfa Betha Gama Dhertha Epsiron Zetha Hetha Thetha Iotha Kappa Ramdha Mumú Nunú Zhétha Chomikrhon Pi Rho Sigma Jau Upsiron Vipsiri Fi Watha Shi Omega

Αλφα Βεθα Δελθα Επσιλων Ζεθα Ηεθα Θεθα Ιωθα Καππα Λαμδα Μυμύ Νυνύ Ξέθα Οωμικρον Πι Ρο Σιγμα Ταυ Υπσιλον Ϋιπσιλι Φι Χαθα Ωμεγα

These'll be the IPA in order from how they're arranged at the top.

/a/ /b/ /g/ /e/ /z/ /h/ /θ/ /i/ /k/ /ɾ/ /m/ /n/ /ʑ/ /t͡ɕ/
/p/ /s/ /ʒ/ /ɯ/ /v/ /f/ /ɰ/ /ɕ/ /o/

Let's talk a bit about Zhétha (Ξξ) and Jau (Ττ). Zhétha is softer than Jau, so if you find zhétha in a word, it will always be accented. While Jau does not. Don't be surprised about an accent not being placed after zhétha. You already know that it will always be accented, so there's no point in putting it all the time. Azhéb, meaning "Leg," being spelled would be Αξέβ. Αξέβ is the exact same thing as Αξεβ.

Most important word:
Thank you

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