Chapter 1: A Place Where Magic Happens

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Solbin found herself wondering why she bothered going to class, when even the snores from the back row were more interesting to listen to than whatever this professor had to say. Twirling a pen in her hand, her lazy glances oscillated between the blackboard and her wristwatch. 15 minutes till the end of the most boring lecture ever, which was thankfully the last class for today. Her eyelids were ready to droop and she was so tempted to collapse on the table and take a much needed nap when her phone vibrated. Fishing it out from the pocket of her jeans, she saw:

1 unread text message from: Byun Baekhyun

Baekhyun: "Meet me behind the Main Building after class."

She sighed inwardly and shook her head, ready to unlock her phone to type out a firm 'no' as her response. The last time she agreed to go anywhere with Baekhyun, they almost got into legal trouble. It turned out he wanted to sneak into somebody's house pool and go skinny dipping, but before either of them could get naked, sirens could be heard, so the two of them ran like hell and got away with it, luckily. Honestly, she had no idea how he got her to agree to it. Maybe it was his smooth talk and perhaps the look in his eyes. The way his fingers circled her wrist. His cute pout. All of that made him irresistible. But this time she would be wiser and she would stay away from him. Or at least she thought she could do that.

She was about to hit 'send', when an incoming message from Baekhyun popped up on the left side of her screen.

Baekhyun: "I won't take no for an answer. Unless you have a boyfriend to run to. Which I don't think you do anymore, from what you've so brokenly ranted to me that night last week."

She groaned silently. She really did not need to be reminded of her breakup last week. Usually, every week after this class she would go have tea with her boyfriend Minseok — well, ex-boyfriend now — but today she had nothing better to do.

Solbin: "where are we going?"

Baekhyun: "to a place where magic happens."

Solbin: "to do what, exactly?"

Baekhyun: typing...

Baekhyun: typing...

Baekhyun: typing...

Solbin: "come on. Tell me."

Baekhyun: "well, you're just going to have to find out for yourself."

Baekhyun: "see you soon, Solbin-ah."

She was totally going to meet him after class. Once again falling into his trap, falling deeper into him.


Solbin hurried out of the lecture hall as soon as she could, and paced to the Main Building. She looked around but did not see Baekhyun yet, but the 'vroom-vroom' sounds of a motorcycle were unmistakable. He showed up in his usual attire, black leather jacket and tight black jeans. So sexy. And of course, his look would not be complete without his signature smirk on his criminally handsome face.

She was ready to walk up to him once she spotted him, but suddenly there were more and more people getting in the way. Girls, mostly. Trying to draw Baekhyun's attention. She was not surprised. With his reputation and given how good-looking he was, no wonder girls constantly threw themselves at him. But he was only looking at Solbin, and paid minimal attention to everybody else. It was as if he was doing unspeakable things to her in his mind as she approached him. When the other girls saw that he was here for her, they dispersed in disappointment.

"Hey, baby," he greeted her eagerly, not wanting to take his eyes off of her. His smile was devilish, but mirthful, and the contagious kind too, so she could not help but return it.

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